The Effectiveness of Horizontal Control on Government

Chapter 3 discusses sources of vertical control on government and horizontal control on government. Which set of controls on government do you believe is the most effective and why?

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Title: The Effectiveness of Horizontal Control on Government

Governmental control is crucial in maintaining an efficient and accountable system that serves the needs of its citizens. In Chapter 3, the two primary sources of control on government—vertical control and horizontal control—were discussed. While both forms play a significant role in ensuring good governance, this essay will argue that horizontal control on government proves to be the most effective due to its ability to foster transparency, accountability, and prevent the concentration of power.

Thesis Statement:
Horizontal control on government is the most effective set of controls due to its ability to promote transparency, accountability, and prevent the concentration of power, ultimately leading to a more efficient and responsible governing system.


One of the key advantages of horizontal control on government is its ability to promote transparency. Horizontal control mechanisms, such as the separation of powers and checks and balances, ensure that power is distributed among different branches of government. This distribution enables the scrutiny and oversight of governmental actions across various levels, preventing any single institution from operating in secrecy or abusing its authority. By fostering transparency, horizontal control enhances public trust in the system and allows citizens to hold their representatives accountable.

Horizontal control mechanisms also strengthen accountability within the government. Through systems such as legislative oversight, judicial review, and independent auditing, horizontal control ensures that government officials are answerable for their actions. This accountability serves as a deterrent against corruption, abuse of power, and unethical behavior. Additionally, horizontal control allows for a fair and impartial review of policies and decisions made by the government, ensuring that they align with the interests of the people. By holding those in power accountable, horizontal control promotes a culture of responsibility and integrity within government institutions.

Prevention of Concentration of Power:
Another crucial aspect of horizontal control is its ability to prevent the concentration of power within a government. By dividing power among multiple branches, horizontal control mitigates the risk of authoritarianism or tyranny. The separation of powers ensures that no single entity can dominate decision-making processes or manipulate governmental policies for personal gain. This balance of power allows for healthy debate, compromise, and the inclusion of diverse perspectives. As a result, the government is more likely to make decisions that reflect the interests of the population at large rather than those of a select few.


While both vertical control and horizontal control play important roles in maintaining effective governance, it is evident that horizontal control is more effective in promoting transparency, accountability, and preventing the concentration of power. By distributing power among various branches and implementing mechanisms such as the separation of powers and checks and balances, horizontal control ensures a more efficient and responsible governing system. Ultimately, this form of control strengthens democratic principles, enhances public trust, and leads to better outcomes for society as a whole.


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