Analyzing Scenarios through the Lens of Psychology

Watch Are You a Psychopath? Take the Test Video and read Chapter 1 of The Wisdom of Psychopaths textbook

Resources. Answer the following questions.

What would you do in Scenario One? Why?
What would you do in Scenario Two? Why?
Compare the reaction of an average person to that of a psychopath.

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Analyzing Scenarios through the Lens of Psychology

Scenario One: The Drowning Child

In Scenario One, we are presented with a situation where a child is drowning in a pond, and you are the only one around to save them. As a typical human being, the immediate response would be to jump in and rescue the child without a second thought. This reaction is driven by empathy, compassion, and a natural inclination to help others in distress. The desire to alleviate suffering and prevent harm is a fundamental aspect of human nature.

Scenario Two: The Trolley Dilemma

In Scenario Two, the ethical dilemma known as the Trolley Problem is introduced. You are standing by a switch that can divert a runaway trolley from a track where five people are tied up and unable to move, to another track where only one person is in harm’s way. The decision to pull the switch or not presents a moral quandary that forces one to weigh the value of five lives against that of one.

A Comparison of Reactions

When comparing the reactions of an average person to that of a psychopath in these scenarios, stark differences emerge. While most individuals would instinctively prioritize saving the drowning child and struggle with the moral complexity of the Trolley Problem, a psychopath may exhibit a more calculated and self-serving response.

Psychopaths are characterized by traits such as a lack of empathy, superficial charm, and manipulative behavior. In Scenario One, a psychopath may not feel compelled to save the drowning child unless there is something to be gained from doing so. Their decision-making process is often driven by personal gratification and a disregard for the well-being of others.

In Scenario Two, a psychopath might approach the Trolley Dilemma with a cold rationality, viewing the situation as an opportunity to exert control or derive pleasure from causing harm. The absence of emotional connection or moral inhibitions can lead to decisions that prioritize self-interest over ethical considerations.


The contrast between the responses of an average person and a psychopath in scenarios involving moral dilemmas highlights the intricate interplay between psychology and behavior. While empathy and moral reasoning guide the actions of most individuals, psychopaths operate within a different framework characterized by manipulation and a lack of conscience. Understanding these distinctions can provide valuable insights into the complexities of human nature and the diverse manifestations of psychological traits.



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