Yr 10 PDHPE Assessment Task/Mental Health

Yr 10 PDHPE Assessment Task/Mental Health

Outcomes to be assessed:
5.1: Analyses how they can support their own and others’ sense of self.
5.2: Evaluates their capacity to reflect on and responds positively to challenges.
5.15: Devises, justifies and implements plans that reflect a capacity to prioritise, think creatively7 and use resources effectively.

Background Reading:
There are many reasons which may lead to damaging, stigmatising and discriminatory attitudes towards mental illness. These include: lack of information, lack of exposure to people with mental illness in the past due to institutionalisation, prior media coverage of mental illness in a negative or scary light, mental illness as an area not completely understood so there is associated fear.

A major Australian survey measured community attitudes, beliefs, opinions and knowledge about mental illness. Generally, it showed women tend to be better informed about mental illness than men. Women report more exposure to, and experience of, mental illness and indicate more tolerance, sympathy and acceptance. Extremes of age are least informed about mental illnesses, while young people are both tolerant and keen to know morel. Personal exposure to a mental illness was the most significant actor in people’s level of knowledge and attitudes.

Task Description:
Task 1: You are required to survey 10-15 people about their attitudes to mental health problems and people with a mental illness. A copy of the “Community Attitude Survey” is included in this handout. You are to survey a variety of people within your family, school or local community. Please remember the possibility that some people may not want to answer the survey due the sensitive nature of the questions.

Task 2: Complete the “Community Attitude Survey Record Sheet”. (I will attached my record sheet donwn you just need to put the information together

Task 3:Complete a written report to summarise what the results tell us about people’s attitudes to mental illness. For example: my sample was not well informed about mental illness; only half the people surveyed agreed they would have someone with a mental illness as a close friend; the women in our sample were more tolerant than the men about mental illness etc. The report should be no longer than one page in length.

Assessment Criteria:
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
•    Summarise results from surveys about people’s attitudes to mental health.
•    Describe how people form their attitudes to mental health.
•    Analyse reasons why understanding/lack of understanding regarding mental illness exists.
•    Evaluate actions that will improve community attitudes to mental illness.
•    Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of mental health.

Yr 10 Marking Guidelines
Mental Illness
•    Demonstrates knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to mental well-being.
•    Evaluates actions that will improve community attitudes to mental illness.
Grade    Guidelines
Outstanding Achievement

•    Summarises results from surveys about people’s attitudes to mental health at an outstanding level.
•    Describes how people form their attitudes to mental health through an outstanding written report.
•    Critically analyses reasons why understanding/lack of understanding regarding mental illness exists.
•    Extensively evaluates actions that will improve community attitudes to mental illness.
•    Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of mental health through the creation of a superior webpage.
High Achievement

•    Summarises results from surveys about people’s attitudes to mental health at an excellent level.
•    Describes how people form their attitudes to mental health through an excellent written report.
•    Thoroughly analyses reasons why understanding/lack of understanding regarding mental illness exists.
•    Thoroughly evaluates actions that will improve community attitudes to mental illness.
•    Demonstrates a thorough knowledge and understanding of mental health through the creation of an excellent webpage.
Sound Achievement

•    Summarises results from surveys about people’s attitudes to mental health at a satisfactory level.
•    Describes how people form their attitudes to mental health through a sound written report.
•    Analyses reasons why understanding/lack of understanding regarding mental illness exists.
•    Evaluates actions that will improve community attitudes to mental illness.
•    Demonstrates a good knowledge and understanding of mental health through the creation of a sound webpage.
Basic Achievement

•    Summarises results from surveys about people’s attitudes to mental health at a basic level.
•    Describes how people form their attitudes to mental health through a basic written report.
•    Lists reasons why understanding/lack of understanding regarding mental illness exists.
•    Describes actions that will improve community attitudes to mental illness.
•    Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of mental health through the creation of a basic webpage.
Limited Achievement

•    Summarises results from surveys about people’s attitudes to mental health at a limited level.
•    Describes how people form their attitudes to mental health through a very basic written report.
•    Lists reasons why understanding/lack of understanding regarding mental illness exists.
•    Lists actions that will improve community attitudes to mental illness.
•    Demonstrates minimal knowledge and understanding of mental health through the creation of a very basic webpage.

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