Your Ethical System & Your Career
2: Your Ethical System & Your Career;
In your first paper, you discussed your ethical system and how it influences your opinions of morality and ethics. This second paper will build off of the first by
adding several new sections to your first writing assignment that focus on how your ethical system might influence the decisions you make in your future career.
Specifically, in the new sections of your paper, you will 1) describe your current career plans, 2) research and describe some of the major ethical issues associated
with that profession, 3) provide some detailed examples of specific ethical dilemmas you might actually face, and then 4) explain how you would decide what course of
action to take given those circumstances. The object of this assignment is to get you to think about your current career plans and to help you determine if those
plans are really right for you considering some of the ethical issues and dilemmas you might face.
Paper Guidelines
This paper is an extension of your first writing assignment. You will need to revise your first paper based on the suggestions and comments that I provided to you.
Once you have done this, you will then add three new sections to that your original assignment, all of which are laid out in more detail below. You will also need to
revise your introduction (thesis paragraph) and your conclusion based on the new additions to your paper. Once again, however, your introduction should still describe
the overall purpose of your paper, and include a “hook,” an outline of each of the topics that you cover, and a brief conclusion statement. In this case, your
conclusion will simply be a summary of how (or if) your ethical system fits into your current career plans, and if you still plan on following that path, given your
consideration of the ethical issues and dilemmas you might face. Including your revisions, your new thesis paragraph should still require less than 1 page.
In the first new section of your paper (that should immediately follow your discussion of the origins of your ethical system from your first writing assignment), you
should describe your current career plans. You DO NOT need to select a career in criminal justice. In your description of your current career plans, be sure to
discuss why you want to go into the profession you have selected, including the major people and events that have led you toward your planned career. If you have not
considered your future plans, now is a great time to do so! For this section, you should need less than 1 page.
For the next new section of your paper, you are required to find and review one peer-reviewed journal article for each of two common and significant ethical issues
associated with your chosen profession (two articles total). In your reviews, you should discuss why the researchers believe that the issues are important to study,
what the scholarly literature generally has to say about the issues (i.e., their literature reviews), and finally, what the researchers themselves conclude about the
issue in their studies. You should then provide your own opinion on each ethical issue, including some of the arguments on both sides of the debate that have
influenced your stance. Again, please note that you ARE NOT required to choose or write about a career in criminal justice. If you are planning for a career in
another field, please just be sure to describe the ethical issues associated with that profession in enough detail that an outsider could easily understand the most
important factors. If you have trouble locating scholarly research about the ethical issues in your field, please contact me as soon as possible. For your review and
discussion of the ethical issues associated with your chosen career, you should need about 2 or 3 pages (~ 1 page per ethical issue).
In the third and final new section of your paper, you should propose at least two examples of specific ethical dilemmas that professionals in your career path are
likely to face (one for each of ethical issues you identified in the previous section). Make sure that you provide enough background detail in each of your example
dilemmas that you will be able to discuss exactly how you would handle the situation. Once you have described your ethical dilemmas, you then need to discuss exactly
how you would make a decision given the circumstances you provided. This discussion should be based on the five-step “Analyzing Ethical Dilemmas” process outlined in
your Pollock textbook. Make sure that you explicitly address all five steps for each ethical dilemma that you present, including a clear statement of the decision
that you would make in each dilemma and how that decision relates to your ethical system. For this section of your paper, you should need 2 or 3 pages (~1 page per
ethical dilemma).
Once you have finished adding tkhe three new sections of your paper, you should go back and revise your introduction and conclusion sections. As usual, you should
begin your conclusion by summarizing each of the major points of interest in your paper, including a brief summary of your current ethical system, its origins, and how
it fits into your current career plans. Finally, you should conclude your paper by discussing whether or not you have reconsidered your career plans based on some of
the possible ethical issues and dilemmas you discuss in your paper. For your conclusion, you should need less than 1 page.
If you follow the guidelines laid out above, the new sections of your paper should amount to at least 4-5 new pages. Then, in combination with your revisions for
Writing Assignment 1, your final paper should end up being approximately 7-10 pages. A title page is not required for this assignment, but if you choose to include
one, it will not count toward the page requirement. Please note that you will need to utilize citations (as necessary) and a references page for this assignment. Use
ASA or APA style formatting for both in-text citations and your references. Finally, please double space between lines and use normal font (12-point Times New Roman)
and margins (1” on all sides). Be sure to check the course schedule for the due date. No late assignments will be accepted without a documented excuse and/or talking
with me before the assigned due date.
Your paper will be evaluated primarily on the content of your work, but also on the quality of your writing since this is a Writing in the Major course. You have more
than enough time to make at least one round of revisions (using spellcheck does not constitute revising your paper!), so the paper you turn in should be well organized
and have few, if any, spelling and/or grammatical errors. For this paper, I will be specifically looking to see if you made the revisions that I suggested to you
and/or if you made the same mistakes in your final paper that you made in your first writing assignment (e.g., no outline in your thesis paragraph, awkward phrases,
use of contractions, etc.). If I find that you have not made the necessary revisions, or if you have made the same mistakes the second time around, you will be graded
more harshly than you were for the first assignment. That being said, your TA and I are more than happy to help you with your writing and your revisions, so please
feel free to contact either of us if you are having any problems, or if you happen to have any other questions and/or concerns. Good luck!
Save your document as an .rtf or .pdf file. Use the following naming pattern for your file: Lastname_Firstname_Paper2. Submit your paper to the Assignment 2 drop box
in the Assignments folder.
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