Writer’s choice

Writer’s choice

Module Three Discussion: Never Again?
(350 word minimum for your essay; your comments to 2 peers should be 75 words each)
In this assignment, which covers Eller (2013) chapters 9, 11, & 12, we look at the cultural dynamics of genocide and ethnocide. These are difficult topics. Consider the words from the documentary, “Never Again? Genocide Since the Holocaust” (2001):

“Most people will see genocide … as a crime of vast scale … this term … loses the sense of the individual human tragedy that takes place countless times … as something that would never happen here…”

It is important to look beyond the statistics, understand the root causes of genocide and ethnocide, hear from individuals who were affected, and contemplate our role in helping to prevent such tragedies.

Begin by watching two video documentaries:

Watch minutes 00:00 to 9:00 (the first 9 minutes) of Never Again? Genocide Since the Holocaust.
Watch one full-length documentary from the list below, your choice. Review the file of video descriptions, posted separately in Module Three, before making your selection.

Address the following topics in your Module Discussion essay. Your assignment should be 350 words. It should include at least two citations (1 citation from the course text and 1 citation from a Discussion video), and a Bibliography (see the one at the bottom of this assignment as a model).

Introduce the full-length video documentary you watched: the title of the video (include internal citation), the cultural group, and the event that took place. Specify the event as a genocide or ethnocide, and define the term you chose, using the definition from the textbook.
Give an overview of the history of the genocide or ethnocide. Explain its historical roots, including colonialism, race, and/or issues of power. Define each of these the terms you use, using the definitions from the textbook.
Give a specific example of how this genocide or ethnocide affected the survivors.
In your conclusion, address what we can do to prevent this from happening again (3-4 sentences).
Remember to “Think Across the Chapters.” As you write this essay, consider how information, concepts and terms from all the chapters in this Module might be used to deepen your understanding. For more on how to think across the chapters, refer to the Syllabus.


Your essay should be a minimum of 350 words. Include the word count after the last sentence in the essay. Don’t count the words in the heading or the Bibliography. Remember, the Discussion Essay is graded for word count, not page length.
Include a Works Cited or Bibliography. Be sure to use full bibliographic references for all sources, including websites and videos, according to correct style. See style guides on the ANT112 Library/Research Guide under Write and Cite tab and the Quick Citations Guide. Any style (MLA, Chicago, APA) is acceptable as long as it is used correctly and consistently. Use correct internal citation style.
Chicago Manual of Style: Quick Tips
MLA Citation: Quick Tips
APA Citation: Quick Tips
It is very important to submit an essay with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Be sure to proofread and edit for these things. Use the spell and grammar check!

This assignment must be submitted to Turnitin by the date listed in the Schedule of Work.
Turnitin submission: Save your work as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file only. Other formats might not transmit and cannot be guaranteed on time or graded. Submit through Dropbox in the Discussion One: Turnitin folder.
Discussion section submission: Write the essay as a document (Word, etc.) and then copy and paste your work to post it directly into the Module Discussion thread.
For full credit, post at least two comments to peers by the date listed in the Module. Each comment must have at least 75 words.
I look forward to reading your work!


Eller, Jack. 2013. Cultural Anthropology: Global Forces, Local Lives. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge.

“Never Again? Genocide Since the Holocaust.” Films on Demand. 2001. Accessed March 18, 2014.

List of Links to Video Documentaries (Please note: Some of these videos contain graphic images that may be disturbing.):

Freedom for Our Lifetime: Victoria, 1860 to 1890—First Australians. 2007. Films On Demand #52684. (52:00)
Genocide: The Horror Continues. 2001. Films On Demand #29048. (57:00)
[NOTE: This video contains accounts of several different genocides; you will need to focus on one for your essay.]
Indian School: Stories of Survival. 2011. Films On Demand # 50410. (40:00)
Plum Blossom in Snow: Falun Gong in China. 2007. VAST Collection. (50:50)
(Rwanda) Duhozanye – We Who Comfort Each Other. 2011. VAST Collection. (51:53)
[NOTE: This video has powerful testimony from many women whose families were killed or tortured in Rwanda. You will need to consult your text for more on the historical roots of the genocide.]
Rwanda: History of A Genocide. 1998. VAST Collection. (53:10)

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