World Literature I.
ENGLISH 207, Section 003: World Literature I.
Test #1: 20 Points
Test #2: 20 Points
Test #3/Final Exam: 40 Points
Essay (1600-2000): 80 points
Rough Draft for Essay: 5 points
Peer Review for Essay: 5 points
Peer Review
Before the essay is due, a group of your peers will review your work. The day of peer review,
you will bring a copy of your essay and exchange with your group members. You will review
your peers’ essays using a handout of questions, which I will provide. Bringing in your copy as
well as responding and participating in the peer review sessions are graded. The purpose of the
peer review exercise is for students to help each other with the assignment and to share a
learning experience in the classroom. I divide the points between the rough draft itself and the
peer review for the benefit of students who show up without a rough draft but who can still
participate in the peer review activity in class. Therefore, points for the rough draft are only
available in conjunction with the peer review in-class activity, and the peer reviews must be done
in class.
Class Participation: 25 points. (One point available for each day of class with discussion.) You
can earn this point by being present in class, (awake and following along), on time (and staying
until the end), refraining from using your phone (or other technology) and by participating when
I call on you. When called upon, you can earn the point if you make a good effort to discuss the
material/answer the question, and if it’s obvious that you read the material. Points cannot be
made up if you are absent. They can only be earned if you are present, and if I call on you that
day, you adequately participate. On some days, I may give a reading quiz that will count toward
your participation point, if you remain attentive for the remainder of the class.
If you participate more than I expect, or give particularly well thought out answers, I may decide
to give you an extra point for that day. The extra possible point will be given at my discretion
and will count as extra credit toward your final grade in the class (although no more than 6 extra
credit points [3 pre-midterm/3 post-midterm] can be earned for participation).
Also, there will be an extra credit assignment available, which will be worth three points. I offer
this assignment because sometimes people are legitimately ill or need to miss class. I will
announce the assignment toward the end of the semester.
Total for class: 195 Points