Why has the South East Asian region developed so unevenly?

Why has the South East Asian region developed so unevenly?

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1.Why has the South East Asian region developed so unevenly? Provide a critical analysis.

2. Critically discuss the interactions between internal and external pressures that have influenced Japan’s post-war development.

3. To what extent is China’s successful development to be explained as the result of neoliberal globalisation?

4. Provide a critical appreciation of the relationship between democratisation and development, with reference to the experience of at least two economies in the


5. What lessons can China learn from Japan’s ‘bubble and bust’ economy at the end of the 1990s and from its subsequent long period of slow growth?

6. Critically consider the global implications of the economic rise of East Asia.

7. With reference to the US, China, Japan and the two Koreas, critically assess the current balance of power in East Asia, in terms of politics, economics and


8. What are the forces driving East Asia’s regional economic integration? Consider the developments in regional organisation and assess the difficulties in creating a

regional economic union.

9. What are the distinctive features that have made China’s development path so successful? Does this offer an alternative model of modernisation – a ‘Beijing

Consensus’ – for other developing countries in the region to follow?

10. Examine the impact of the global financial crisis of 2008/9 on the region’s development. To what extent and in what ways is this prompting a change of direction in

the East Asian Development model.


The essay should seek to address your chosen question with reference to what we have covered in class as well as evidence of your own personal reading. You should

refer to a range ofscholarly sources (newspapers might be used as sources in certain circumstances such as referencing particular events or comments but most of your

sources should be academic).

Assessment of your work will take into consideration the following:

Coherence: Is the argument clear and consistent? Do the keypoints follow in sequence? Are central ideas and themes followed through? Are all the points relevant?

Use of evidence: Is there evidence of research and reading? How has this been used? nb. it is important to remember that the work you present is your own: do not copy

out large chunks from books. If you directly quote from a source,use quotation marks. Too many direct quotations may tend to break up the development of an argument.

Scope: How well does the essay cover the breadth of content on the topic? Does it adequately outline the range of issues involved?

Analysis: Have you explored various aspects of the issue? Have you over-emphasised one side of the argument? Have you evaluated the argument?

Presentation: Are the ideas clearly expressed? Are the sentences and paragraphs well-structured? Are the references and bibliography fully provided?


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