Whole Foods

Whole Foods

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Questions for Analysis
1. What is your opinion about John Mackey’s social mission at Whole Foods as a corporate strategy? Discuss the specific values in his “Declaration of Interdependence.”    0 points    1 point    2 points
2. Will Mackey’s plan for how teams operate be effective? Do you agree with the idea of publicly shared performance data and its links to compensation?
0 points

1 point

2 points

3. What is your opinion about the perceived authenticity of the Mackey’s message, especially given the challenges to the “healthy eating” focus of Whole Foods? How might these challenges impact employee identification with the company?    0 points
1 point
2 points

4. Do you see any problems with the integration-differentiation dynamic in regard to the acquisition of Wild Oats and expansion of new stores? How could the acquisition have been carried out more effectively? How does increased competition impact decision making and employee relations within the company?    0 points    2 points    4 points

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