What would you change for yourself?

What would you change for yourself?

We used to think, and this was supported by research, that the brain became a static organ
as people entered adulthood. We now know this is no longer true (as will you when you
read The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of
Brain Science). The one thing in life we can be certain of is that there will always be
change (someone else said this but I can’t find the quote). If this is true, an important
quality in all of us is our ability to tolerate and embrace change, or our plasticity.
Consider some area in your life that you would like to change, describe why this change
is important to your overall well-being. Then discuss 5 things in this book that could
help you think about how to implement that change.

You can find pdf file of “The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science” online. Also, please be sure to use a lot of facts from the text and connect them to the personal story. I will send you extra information about the paper.

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