What is meant by a poverty line? Is this a realistic level?


What is meant by a poverty line? Is this a realistic level? Compare and contrast absolute poverty and relative poverty? What do you think of the way we measure
poverty? Give examples. Which explanations for poverty (individual, cultural, structural) d


What is meant by a poverty line? Is this a realistic level? Compare and contrast absolute poverty and relative poverty? What do you think of the way we measure
poverty? Give examples. Which explanations for poverty (individual, cultural, structural) do you think appeal to conservatives, liberals, and radicals? Explain and
cite clear examples. After analyzing the history of social welfare programs and antipoverty efforts specifically, what themes have consistently occurred over the last
600 years? How have these themes affected how each era (1300s-1400s, 1500s-1600s, 1700s-1800s, 1900s, Present Day) has purported to resolve poverty? Give examples. Fyi
websites; Poverty guidelines: https://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty-guidelines Minimum wage by state: http://www.dol.gov/esa/minwage/america.htm Causes of poverty –
http://www.globalissues.org/TradeRelated/Poverty.asp FOOD STAMPS IN NJ http://www.lsnjlaw.org/english/governmentaid/hunger/foodstamps/njfoodstamps/


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