week 4 assignment 1 -1002

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Application: Motivating Employees

Having read this week’s assigned readings, you are now familiar with various theories and approaches to motivating employees. Consider your current job, a job you have had in the past, or one you know well, and then complete the Assignment.

Submit by answering all of the following questions:

1.What motivational techniques, methods, or strategies does (or did) your current or past employer use to try to keep employees productive, satisfied, or motivated?

2.What worked and didn’t work to keep you productive, satisfied, and/or motivated?

3.What motivational theories explain why your employer’s efforts worked or didn’t work to keep their employees productive, satisfied, or motivated?

4.Based on your experiences and the readings, what would you recommend that your current or past employer do to try to keep their employees productive, satisfied, and/or motivated?

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