water pollution in Globe AZ.

water pollution in Globe AZ.

Order Description

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Pick a known (or lesser known ifyou dig something up) environmental problem. For example
water pollution in Globe AZ.
0 Discuss the problem – for example
0 The source – a company? Government? Person(s)?
o The extent – of the problem? Of the damage? Potential damage?
0 The known short term and long term effects of the environmental problem?
0 Expectations or forecasts of “unknown” damage?
0 Discuss any govemmcnt intervention – for example
0 [low and why did government get involved?
0 What govemment agency? Why this one?
o If not direct government intervention, what, if any, litigation ensued?
0 Who were the parties to this litigation? Why?
0 What were the outcomes?
Of government agency intervention?
Of the litigation?
0 If the government did not/has not intervened and if there has not been any litigation
regarding the problem, discuss why?
0 What has been the outcome of this lack of government intervention?
0 Can it be argued that the market will take care of the problem? If so, how?
I Through the company? Citizens? Customers?
o If neither government nor the market resolves this problem, what are the
forecasted outcomes?
The Required Layout of your assignment
0 Use at least FIVE sources for your assignment‘s discussion; ATTACH a reference sheet to your homework.
Your discussion cannot exceed 250 words; you must provide a word count in the bottom right hand corner.
In the upper-right hand comer put your name and class periodon your assignment.

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