Union profile and frame reference

Union profile and frame reference

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Objectives: This assignment is focused on helping you develop a deeper understanding of key concepts in employment relations, and will help you complete the final essay. It is intended to evaluate how well you understand key concepts including: unions, frames of reference, power, and conflict.
Content: Students must select a Canadian or American union to profile (pick a union where there is plenty of publicly available information and articles about it online) and write a short paper per the requirements below. Students should examine the union website, relevant media releases, and news articles about the union to undertake the assignment. Chapters 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8 from the Godard textbook will also be useful background.
1.) Describe the union (e.g., history, governance structure, industry, environment, employers, demographics, activities, etc.).
a. Do not simply cite information directly from websites and articles.
b. Integrate and synthesize information from multiple sources to provide a coherent description of the union.
2.) Find two media articles where the authors each write about the union from a different frame of reference.
a. Which frame of reference does each author adopt? For instance, what is the primary concern of each author, and how do they view power
and conflict in the employment relationship?
b. Cite concrete evidence and examples from the articles to back up your arguments.
Format: Maximum 4 pages (not including references), double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point-font, 1 inch margins. Please also hand in a copy of both media articles with the hard copy submission of the assignment (the version of the assignment submitted through Blackboard via Turnitin should not include copies of the articles). The written work should be clear, organized, and free of spelling and grammar errors. Use of appropriate headings is encouraged to enhance readability. You must use APA style for references (https://www.apastyle.org/). The rubric used for marking these components and other elements of the assignment is attached. Feedback will be returned with reference to the rubric.
The textbook is “industrial relations, the economy and society” by John Godard


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