Understanding the Consumer Assignment

Understanding the Consumer Assignment


Assessed work should be submitted to the Management Office between the hours of 10am-1pmonMonday 19th November.Students should hand a copy of their work which should be anonymous, therefore should only carry: registration number, module title/code, title of assignment and the coursework cover sheet. Students should also keep one copy. Work should be word processed on A4 paper and should include a word count.

In addition students should also submit their work electronically via Blackboard.  This work will automatically be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. This must be done by the end of the assignment due date.

Submission after the set deadline day but within 7 days will be restricted to a maximum of 40%; submissions more than 7 days late will receive a mark of 0%. A disciplinary committee will deal with any instance of inappropriate behaviour.

If you are ill and can provide medical evidence then you should apply for an essay extension form which is available in the Department Office.  It must be signed by a member of staff and should be returned to the Undergraduate Secretary before the submission deadline.  No requests for an extension will be granted after the deadline.

Assessment:     50% Coursework and 50% Examination.

The coursework assignment is as follows:

Understanding the Consumer Assignment

“Traditionally, consumer researchers have approached decision-making from a rational perspective.  In this view people calmly and carefully integrate as much information as possible with what they already know about a product, painstakingly weighing the pluses and minuses of each alternative, and arriving at a satisfactory decision” (Solomon et al 2010:315).

In your literature review I would like you to consider the validity of this perspective.

Your assignment should draw on at least six journal articles which must be from peer reviewed journals such as those below:

Consumption, Markets and Culture (from 2002)
Journal of Consumer Research (from 1985)
Journal of Consumer Behaviour (from 2001)
Marketing Theory (from 2001)
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of Retailing
European Journal of Marketing

You will need to start your assignment at least 6-8 weeks prior to the hand in date.  DO NOT UNDER ESTIMATE THE TIME THE SEARCH FOR SUITABLE SCHOLARLY ARTICLES WILL TAKE as you may want to use the Inter-library Loan service to order articles and they can take up to two weeks to arrive. In weeks 5 an 6 in the seminars we will be looking at the literature search and how to critique an article.  There will also be an opportunity to discuss any issues you may have relating to your assignment in the student hours (times indicated on lecturers doors).

Searching For Appropriate Articles

It is often taken for granted that articles will be easy to find and students typically do not allow enough time when planning assignments to conduct a thorough search for appropriate articles.  We will practice searching for articles in the seminar in week five. When doing a literature search for your essay we recommend you use a combination of the following:

1.    Perform keyword searches using the below sources:

•    Business Source Premier (access via ‘subject resources’ then ‘Business and Management’ on the library webpage)
•    Emerald Management Extra (access as above)
•    Google Scholar (not all of the articles you find will be available in the library – but some will include direct links to the article)

2.    Where possible go to the individual journal webpages (see list of journals above) and ‘search in the journal’ although not all have this function. You can also do this by going via ejournalsAtoZ on the library homepage.

3.    It’s also sometimes useful if you find a particularly important author to go their own university homepage where their other publications should be listed, they may well have published something related or something more up to date.

4.    And of course once you find a really useful article go to their own bibliography to find further useful articles, once you have the reference you can use ejournalsAtoZ on the library homepage to track it down.

Before making a final decision spend some time reading around, when choosing an article make sure you fully understand its content.

In special cases where you find an essential article that is not available in the library you may use the inter-library loan system. However please only use this system if totally necessary. You will need to collect a form from the library (this can also be downloaded from their website) and obtain the signature of your tutor. Each Inter-library loan will cost you three pounds which is payable when you order the article. Bear in mind that Inter-library loans can take up to two weeks to arrive.


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