translation theories

translation theories

Project description

compare and contrast between two translation theories. The first theory is the one that I had to do a presentation about it. (Norms in Translation by Gideon Toury and

compare and contrast with another translation theory. So the theory that I alleady discussed was norms in Translation so you have to choose another theory from the

list below following the instructions.

Essay Question

You will be working with two translation theories in your essay: the one you discussed in your seminar presentation ( Norms in Translation, Gideon Toury) and one

other, which you choose.

Place the theory that you discussed in your seminar presentation into the larger context
-what came before?
-how did it influence theories following it?
-Were there many similar theories?
-Did it further develop a similar theory?
-Was this a completely new departure?

Choose one other translation theory (see list and specific bibliographies) in your module handbook.

You will describe this theory and then compare and contrast it to the theory you presented in your seminar presentation.

You need to provide a rationale why you chose the second theory to be discussed together with your seminar presentation theory.

Assess /evaluate the impact these two theories have for practical translation

-Would you find them useful / helpful in your translation tasks?
-Would they be useful for all sorts of texts or only certain kinds of texts?
-What would they help you in doing?
-You may want to choose practical text examples to conduct this evaluation but you do not need to.

Your essay must be written in English and follow academic conventions in referring to the literature, quoting from other texts and providing a bibliography.

The word limit is 2500 words. If you are using text samples, they do not count towards your overall word limit. Quotations, the bibliography and anything in the

appendix do not count either.

Your essay must be word-processed and use 1.5 (or double) line spacing.

List of translation theories (not exhaustive) to choose from:
The Linguistic Approach
The Functional Approach
The Equivalent Effect Approach
The Text-linguistic Approach
The Relevance T

heory Approach
The Translators Invisibility theory
The Polysystem Theory Approach
The Cultural Approach: Gender theory, ,


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