Topic: International Law- Child custody- Child abduction

Topic: International Law- Child custody- Child abduction

Order Description

Referencing: the AGLC Style

A written proposal that addresses the national and international legal underpinnings and ramifications in the international child custody case of Melissa Hawach. Countries involved Australia, Canada and Lebanon
1) Discuss the legal framework in the 3 countries regarding international child custody and abduction
2)Discuss Hague convention legal framework in such custody cases
3)How has this case affected or changed laws that govern international custody disputes in the 3 countries in particular Australia.

Melissa Hawach (nee Engdahl) is a Canadian woman who gained international attention following a complicated custody dispute with her former husband, Joseph Hawach, over the couple’s two children. The children—who hold citizenship in Canada, Australia and Lebanon—were taken to Lebanon by their father in July 2006 in violation of Canadian custody orders and subsequently retrieved by their mother and mercenary–Brian Corrigan (Australian)me in December 2006 in defiance of Lebanese law. The ongoing situation has international implications as regards jurisdiction in cases of multinational custody disputes.

Books that may help:
Flight of the dragonfly-Melissa Hawach
In Harm’s Way- Brian Corrigan mercenary who retrieved the children
Also see
Canada lost children Society
Jeremy Mackenzie-lawyer that represented Mr Corrigan

Proposal requirements
a) Knowledge

The proposal will have a broad and coherent body of knowledge, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts of law
b) Skills
• Cognitive skills to review critically, analyse, consolidate and synthesise legal
• Cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate a broad understanding of
Legal concepts with depth in areas of international Law
• Cognitive and creative skills to exercise critical thinking and judgment in
identifying and solving Melissa Hawach’s case with intellectual independence
• Communication skills to present a clear, coherent and independent
Exposition of knowledge and ideas

read Australian English not US English for preferred language

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