Topic: Intellectual Property Law

Topic: Intellectual Property Law

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Key words of dissertation:
A Comparative study; based on copyright law; originality; moral rights ; protection ;benefits in different jurisdictions ; infringement ; freedom of expression

To find out how far the scope of protection stretches as far as copyright protection and moral rights are concerned and how the law is applied in different jurisdictions and the limitations as well as the development of copyright law under intellectual property sources of legislations must be used from legal websites such as westlaw, lexis nexis, hein online etc. Other materials must include textbooks , case law , journal articles
Sources to be added:-
Andrew Christine, Stephen Gare, Blackstone’s Statutes on Intellectual Property, (11th Edition) (Oxford University Press) Bainbridge, I. Intellectual Property, 9th ed(Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, England. (2012) Bently, L. And Sherman, B. (2014) Intellectual Property Law (4th Edition) Oxford University Press, Oxford Colston, C. & Middleton, K. Modern Intellectual Property Law, (2nd Edition) (Cavendish Publishing, Britain, 2005) Statute Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

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