Topic: How America’s Complextion Changes

Topic: How America’s Complextion Changes

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Textbook: Gallagher, C.A. (2012). Rethinking the color line: Readings in race and ethnicity (5th Ed.)
Chapter 50.
link  arguments to your textbook readings and other scholarly sources.

1. Choose one of the ten simple steps outlined by the author and write in full detail an episode from your life and how you applied the step. Examples include being audience to an unpleasant racial joke; talking about race with a family member, or analyzing a TV show or commercial for racial stereotypes.
a. Reference at least 3 readings from your textbook.
b. Include appropriate APA in text citations

2. Write out each of the ten steps as part of an action plan / self-analysis. Specifically and with support from your personal experiences detail which steps you feel you have been successful in and which steps you need to work on. Try to be as realistic as possible so you can develop a plan of action or “to do” list in order to acquire new habits to help improve race relations.
a. Reference at least 3 readings from your textbook
b. Include appropriate APA in text citations
c. Include a proper APA style reference page at the end of your paper.

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