Topic: Executive Report

Topic: Executive Report

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Background Modern day Enterprise systems (ES) deliver the fundamentals benefits of integrating processes, optimization and delivering efficiency across many areas. These are core benefits expected in any implementation and the ES is primarily configured to provide the functional business needs. However, ES can be leverage to provide further second-wave digital benefits for a business by facilitating: Innovation— reflecting the creation of novel or different products, services or businesses processes, or even disruptive business models, Automation— reflecting the situation where the ES is aligned with the subsequent replacement of manually undertaken tasks, Decision-making— reflecting capabilities that allow the vast amounts of data collected by a firm to be analyzed by advanced methods and inform peoples decisions, Connectivity— reflecting how the ES enables closer cooperation, engagement and interactivity amongst important external or internal entities (connectivity does not refer to the technology used but the business benefits). The scenario You work for a large organization and the CEO has recently attended industry, academic and SAP events and heard that other firms are leveraging their enterprise wide systems in these four areas. Accordingly, you have been requested to prepare a research report and a presentation on how the firm’s enterprise systems can be used to deliver value in these four areas (assume that your firm has a system already in place). Use at least 2 case study examples for each of the four areas in your report showing what benefits can be achieved by firms. Notably benefits may span multiple areas and this issue should be explored in the paper. The report must be written for management.

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