Topic: article review is to provide the academic community with a description, summary, and evaluation of the completed work

Topic: article review is to provide the academic community with a description, summary, and evaluation of the completed work

Order Description

The purpose of an article review is to provide the academic community with a description, summary, and evaluation of the completed work. For the article review, I will assume the role of an expert who is critically evaluating contemporary research in the field of psychology. Materials from previous assignments are needed and attached. incorporate material from across the course, analyzing and applying theories and principles of psychology, into a cohesive and well-written article review. The article for review was chosen in Week Two of the course and must be used in this review. Carefully read the selected article, and then write the Article Review.

• Begin with a well-written introduction to the article that:
o Analyzes the article and identifies the professional area of psychology it represents
o Assesses the roles of psychology professionals within this area and describes whether or not the article clearly and correctly represents these roles.
• Evaluate the theoretical perspective on which the study is based
• Detail the hypotheses presented in the study or the relationship of interest
• Describe the sample(s) presented in the study (how participants were obtained, selected, sample size, etc.)
• Discuss where the study was conducted: university setting (lab), organization (field), etc.
• Examine the ethical concerns in the study using the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct as a guide.
• Summarize the results of the study. Be certain to specify the findings and whether or not the hypotheses were supported.
• Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the study (usually found in the discussion section of the article).
• Evaluate possible contemporary applications of the results within the article
• Create a conclusion that includes a synopsis of professional insights about the study.
In the creation of the Article Review, it is paramount to include information in the form of peer-reviewed research to support any statements made. A minimum of five peer-reviewed articles, not including the article chosen for this assignment, are required for this paper.
Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

• Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA
• includes an analysis of the article and identification of the professional area of psychology it represents, as well as an assessment of the clear description of the roles of psychology professionals within the area presented.
• Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
• Must end with a conclusion that includes a synopsis of professional insights about the study.
• Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources
• Must document all sources in APA
• Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to

WEEK 2 INFO REQUIRED FOR ASSIGNMENT :The article by Keijsers & Poulin (2013) is an examination of the way parent–child communication relating to unsupervised activities during adolescence emerges over the course of this stage of development. The study followed a very critical stage in developmental psychology, adolescence, with the aim of developing an understanding of how parent–child communication impact on development at this stage. The choice of this article is informed by the important role involvement of parents in the lives of the adolescent impact on their psychological development during this stage, and how this plays out in both girls and boys.
Science makes use of an empirical approach. This means that it is a systematic way of gaining knowledge from experience, which later became a method of inquiry, which applied experiments and careful observation in gathering facts and evidence. From such a perspective, the article is a good example in the view of psychology as a science. The idea is that in psychology, there is use of the empirical approach to generate facts and evidence in whatever topic. In the case of the current article, it would not be enough to simply state that parent–child communication changed over the course of adolescence. It is more important to come up with experimental or careful observations to back up such a claim with evidence. The researchers utilized questionnaire data in the study, from adolescents studied over a period of time, from the age of 12 to 19. This is an interesting topic, and one that is easy to research in. it is interesting to be able to acquire scientific evidence that would support the perception that parent–child communication during adolescence is a unique phenomenon.
Any research in psychology is better done by psychology professionals, who provide the know-how and skills necessary to successfully complete such studies. While it might not be clearly indicated in the study, the researchers are professionals in the area of psychology explaining their efficiency and success in the current peer reviewed article. It is also among the sources of credibility of this article. Also, the scales and measurement tools that were used in the research were those that have been developed by experts in the field of psychology. Some of the examples include scales developed by Stattin and Kerr (2000) that were used in tapping parent–child communication. Items revised by Hawk, Hale, Raaijmakers, & Meeus, (2008) were utilized in assessing the frequency with which parents inquire from the adolescent about unsupervised time. a child disclosure scale developed by Frijns, Keijsers, Branje, & Meeus( 2010) was also used in measuring adolescence disclosure. A scale proposed by Almas et al. (2011) was used in measuring adolescent secrecy. There was no indication of interactions between psychology professionals and professionals in other fields.
The theoretical perspectives evident in the article are separation-individuation (Blos, 1967; Erikson, 1950) and the autonomy-relatedness (Cooper et al., 1983) perspectives. These perspectives would be important in informing the background of the research and in presenting a framework that would be tested through collection of data. The two perspectives were closely related to the topic of parent–child communication and the way it plays in the course of adolescence. This would also explain the developmental needs of adolescents such as the need for autonomy and independence. Thus, the theories played a critical role in the research published in the article.
Keijsers, L., & Poulin, F. (2013, March 11). Developmental Changes in Parent–Child Communication Throughout Adolescence. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0032217

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Annotated Bibliography
Siennick, S. (2012). Friendship-Level Predictors of Unstructured and Unsupervised Socializing in Adolescence: Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(4), 646-661
The author explains that parents should be engaged in friendship activities that enhance the rate at which they can monitor the children’s socializing attributes. Socialization at adolescence is one activity that does not require the involvement of parents in ensuring that the children do it at the right capacities. The role of the parent is to make the right guidance that facilitates the ability of the young ones to make quality friendships that are helpful in advancing their growth (Siennick, 2012). The article further details on the existing principles in dealing with the step by step advancement in creating a better review of the adolescents in coming up with the desirable social network. The parents should not indulge in the children’s social activities because this tampers with the ease with which they are capable of functioning at the right capacity within the social networks. The right understanding of the mutual involvement process by the parents facilitates a unified process of dealing with the technical aspects of a professional review of the best techniques in maintaining the adolescents within their social groups.
Schoenewald, S. (2013). New insights into root causes of paediatric accidental unsupervised ingestions of over-the-counter medications: Clinical Toxicology, 51(10), 930-936
Schoenewald details on the fundamental principles in guiding the children with respect to the medication procedures that do not relate to the parent’s involvement in their administration. Adolescents may at times go looking for the medication that is helpful in treating their minor ailments that are part of their growth process. Communication by their parents in this case facilitates the necessary consideration in equipping the young ones with the right practical skills that can be used in ensuring that the medication is at the right standards (Schoenewald, 2013). The fact that the children are not always by the side of the parents calls for an extensive review of initiating the necessary changes that are valuable in coming up with an integrated process of determining the necessary techniques that make the children take the medication rightfully. The article is of interest to the busy parents who may not be available to guide their children in ingesting the over-the-counter medication.
Persson, A. (2007). Staying in or Moving Away From Structured Activities: Developmental Psychology, 43(1), 197-207
The author considers the freedom that parents should give the children as it relates to their normal procedures of addressing the most developmental aspects of their daily activities. The normal growth process relates to a number of procedures that may not require the parent’s special attention in maintaining the children’s attention levels. The child-parent communication is necessary in developing the rate at which the young ones engage in unsupervised activities with the right approach of initiating the related review techniques (Persson, 2007). Issues that are part of the daily procedures in maintaining the child-parent communication are addressed from a professional point of view with the aim of determining a better one on one approach in making the children have independence in the carrying out of the structured activities. The author also goes ahead to make it clear that the staying in or keeping of structured activities for the young ones is a personal choice for all the parents who require the right development for the adolescents.
Lam, C. (2014). Time with Peers from Middle Childhood to Late Adolescence: Child Development, 85(4), 1677-1693
Lam outlines that parents are expected to have a quality time allocation for their peers during adolescents. Such a time allocation allows the child-parent communication to be facilitated at the right levels with the objective of ensuring that they come up with a better implementation of the existing unsupervised activities. The communication perspectives address all the key issues that are necessary in dealing with the right creative procedures that are necessary in maintaining the adolescents at the unified standards of dealing with the complementary efforts of addressing the right performance (Lam, 2014). The creative development during the childhood activities is one procedure that requires the parents to consider a constant approach in initiating the necessary review procedures. Lam continues to express that the time with peers is aimed at providing a better guidance regarding the necessary review techniques that develop the required aspects of initiating a better flow of the communication process. The article is of great importance to the parents that aim at ensuring that their teenage development is guided through the right communication procedures.
Greene, K. (2009). Examining unsupervised time with peers and the role of association with delinquent peers on adolescent smoking: Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 11(4), 371-380
The article addresses the question of the delinquent peers who engage in Nicotine and Tobacco smoking with the objective of spending their free time. The parents are constantly reminded that they should let the children know the dangers related to the cigarette smoking engagement. The detailed aspects of dealing with the unruly adolescents are well guided by the parents who come in to deal with the creation of the right awareness in maintaining the right smoking standards (Greene, 2009). The related smoking behaviors are part of the necessary adolescent adjustments in dealing with the age predicaments. Cigarette smoking is regarded as one of the unsupervised activities that determine the rate at which the adolescents spend their free time. The article is useful to those parents with parents who may consider the smoking of cigarettes a priority in dealing with the varied issues that are necessary in advocating for the right methodologies in reducing the cigarette smoking levels to the right standards.

Greene, K. (2009). Examining unsupervised time with peers and the role of association with
Delinquent peers on adolescent smoking: Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 11(4), 371-380
Lam, C. (2014). Time with Peers from Middle Childhood to Late Adolescence: Child
Development, 85(4), 1677-1693
Persson, A. (2007). Staying in or Moving Away From Structured Activities: Explanations
Involving Parents and Peers: Developmental Psychology, 43(1), 197-207
Schoenewald, S. (2013). New insights into root causes of paediatric accidental unsupervised
Ingestions of over-the-counter medications: Clinical Toxicology, 51(10), 930-936
Siennick, S. (2012). Friendship-Level Predictors of Unstructured and Unsupervised
Socializing in Adolescence: Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(4), 646-661

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