To what extent has the world of work changed in the last 50 years?

“To what extent has the world of work changed in the last 50 years?” ?Your answer must draw upon at least one of the social divisions covered in this module (class, gender, race) and at least one of the contemporary issues (technological change, post-Fordist services and knowledge work, the changing work/life boundary, globalization) to answer the question. ?Good answers will combine academic theories with empirical studies to discuss and evaluate how the world of work is changing. The assignment should be 2,500 words long and the deadline is 2pm on 8thMay, 2018. The rationale for assessment design is as follows, with additional notes to support you: The rationale for the choice of this assessment piece is that it enables you to engage in reflective practice based on your progress in the module from week 1-12. You will have to demonstrate the use of relevant academic theory, concepts, and studies to demonstrate in written format what you have gained in understanding about work in contemporary society. … Note that to demonstrate your understanding of ‘relevant academic theory and concepts’, and thereby your ‘progress in the module’, you will need to cite articles, chapters, and books from the module reading list. You should start your research for this assignment with the module reading list (available via the library webpages) and the module textbook. … Presenting your work in this 2500 word assignment will help you to advance your critical and analytical thinking skills, and your written communication skills: both essential employability skills in the contemporary world of work and employment. … To demonstrate your ‘critical and analytical thinking skills’ you will need to go beyond describing how work has changed, to analysing why it has changed in that way, and forming a judgement about, or evaluating, those changes. ‘Critical’ comes from the Greek Kritos, for judge, so is concerned with evaluation, whereas analysis is concerned with explaining how things work. For example, in this assignment you might draw upon statistics concerning gender and employment, as we did in the seminar session in the library. That would be an excellent example of an effective use of factual description. For a good mark, however, you would need to explain whythose changed occurred. Is this a result of a declining manufacturing sector in the UK, in which male workers are dominant, and an increase in the service sector, in which women dominate? Or is this because of an increase in part-time workers, who are more often women? To answer these questions you will need to find additional information, and explain whywomen are more commonly found in the service sector and in part-time work. That would be the analysis bit, as you are explaining how these changes came about. For that you need theory, for example on the gendered nature of work, on the ideal worker, or on patriarchy and women’s responsibilities for care work in the home. To develop a critical account, you would also need to evaluate these changes. For example, if the growth in female employment is a result of increasing levels of part-time work, with little career progression, low pay, and poor conditions, then should we see this as a sign of increasing equality at work? In contrast, if you find that these are high-quality jobs, with good pay, conditions and career prospects, then your evaluation might be that this isa sign of increasing equality, and real change in the gendering of work. Your assessment will be marked using the following criteria: Marking grid for summative assessment (100%) Mark Learning Outcome 1. Introduction to your assignment and ‘signposting’ for the reader in terms of content and structure 10 N/A 2. Main body – discuss and evaluate different sociological, psychological and anthropological arguments to the understanding of work and society internationally 30 2 3. Evidence of communication of theories of work and society persuasively using relevant academic literature and case studies; 30 3 3. Conclusion 20 2,3 5. Presentation of written work and referencing 10 N/A TOTAL MARKS 100% Please notice that the majority of the marks is awarded for your discussion and evaluation of academic arguments (2 – Main Body) and for the evidence of ‘using relevant academic literature and case studies’ (3). 60% of your grade therefore depends on you using, and citing, relevant academic literature/studies/theories/concepts. To get these marks, you need to use sources from the module reading list. Note also that your ‘conclusion’ is worth another 20%, and will only be good if it draws upon relevant evidence/readings to draw clear and accurate conclusions about the question.

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