To create a large motor lesson plan for preschoolers.


You are a teacher at a preschool with  students that range in age from 3 to 5. Your class will soon be starting  a topic called “Friendship.” The children in your care come from  diverse cultural backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other  than English at home.

Create an outdoor large motor  lesson plan for this age group that incorporates the concept of  friendship. Be sure to provide a description of the lesson you plan to  carry out, the child outcomes, the space and materials needed, the  procedures you will follow, and any follow-up activities that may help  reinforce the main lesson. In addition, be sure to include elements that  will create a multicultural and anti-bias atmosphere in the classroom.

Self Reflection

  1. For each element of your activity plan, explain how this element will help students develop large motor skills
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