Those who cannot remember are condemned to repeat it
Those who cannot remember are condemned to repeat it
Topic: Reflective Essay
Order Description
As stated by American philosopher George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember are condemned to repeat it.” Think
about how this quote applies to studying American letters.
For your final unit assignment, write a reflective essay supported by at least two quotes from your assigned readings throughout this course.
Discuss how your interaction with your assigned readings enriched or informed your life experiences in some way.
Your reflective essay and supporting quotes should illustrate some specific theme that guides the development of your
reflective essay, such as why it is important to be exposed to people, ideas, and cultures different from your own.
In your reflective essay on theme, you must also include an analysis of at least one rhetorical element or literary term that
contributes to the development of a theme in either your own writing or in the writing of one of the authors you quote from to
support your writing. Do not forget to think of your audience, and include an introduction.
In the beginning of your study of American letters, you may recall in the welcome video that you were told about a University of Toronto study that indicated, among
other things, that reading literature helped people become more open-minded. With
that in mind, you might reflect on how your readings in this course opened your mind to writings, events, or ideas you
previously had not given much consideration. What advice would you offer future students of American letters? What
suggestions might you have to improve or enrich this course?
Make sure your supporting two quotes from your selected reading(s) are cited in correct APA style.