The video “nighttime investigation”
You will be the officer in the video “nighttime dwi investigation”
Pick a D/D/T, roadway, streets, etc., name the suspect, DOB, address
Identify two legal reasons (reasonable suspicion) to stop the vehicle, there are 5 or 6
Document her driving, her comments, her ability to follow instructions, etc.
Document how she performed on each of the 3 “field tests” , two clues per test
Clues may be obvious, include her ability to follow instructions
In the HGN/eye yest, don’t worry about what her eyes are doing, you can’t see, include other details!
Based on her field tests, develop Probable Cause to arrest! She is over the legal limit! We will say she later
blew a .12 on a breath test at the PD
You will arrest her, transport back to the PD, breath test, she fails, cited for OAWI, released to a responsible sober adult, first offense