The teachings and miracles of Jesus

Explain how the teachings and miracles of Jesus together give clarity about the nature of His ministry. Explain why the Church’s understanding that Jesus is both fully God and fully man makes His life, death, and resurrection unique.

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Jesus’ teachings and miracles together give clarity about the nature of His ministry in a number of ways.

First, Jesus’ teachings were often about the Kingdom of God. He talked about the Kingdom of God as a place of peace, love, and justice. He also talked about the Kingdom of God as something that was already present, but that was also still to come. This dual nature of the Kingdom of God is reflected in Jesus’ miracles. On the one hand, Jesus’ miracles healed the sick, raised the dead, and cast out demons. These miracles showed that the Kingdom of God was already present in Jesus’ ministry. On the other hand, Jesus’ miracles also pointed to the future Kingdom of God. They showed that Jesus had the power to overcome sin and death, and that He would ultimately establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

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Second, Jesus’ teachings and miracles challenged the religious establishment of His day. The religious leaders of Jesus’ time believed that the Kingdom of God would come through following the Law of Moses. They also believed that only those who were perfectly righteous would be saved. Jesus, on the other hand, taught that the Kingdom of God was open to everyone, regardless of their sinfulness. He also taught that salvation was a gift from God, not something that could be earned by following the Law. Jesus’ miracles further challenged the religious establishment by showing that He had the power to forgive sins and to heal the sick. These miracles showed that Jesus was more than just a rabbi or a prophet. He was the Messiah, the one who had come to save the world.

Third, Jesus’ teachings and miracles showed that He was both fully God and fully man. Jesus’ miracles demonstrated His power over nature and His ability to heal the sick. These miracles showed that Jesus was not just a man, but that He was also divine. Jesus’ teachings, on the other hand, showed that He was fully human. He understood the human condition and He empathized with the suffering of others. He also taught about the importance of love, forgiveness, and compassion. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are unique because they reveal the love and mercy of God. Jesus came to earth to save us from our sins and to give us eternal life. He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and He rose from the dead to show us that death is not the end. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are the foundation of the Christian faith. They give us hope for the future and they show us the way to salvation.

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