“The Study of Ethics”


Each of the following questions should be answered below.  Listen first to Dr. Warner’s tape recording, “The Study of Ethics” and then use the information from the readings cited below from Dr. Warner’s Case Study text  as well as any other readings you choose to answer the following questions in a Word document.  Once you have completed your responses; upload them to the professor as a submission to the moodle dropbox.   Remember to include in the heading of your file:  Name, Exercise #, and Course#. 

1.  Identify and thoroughly explain your definition of ethics.

2.   Give an example of an ethical question that you heard about recently on television or in the newspaper.

3.   Take a stand defending or negating the following statement:   The study of ethics is necessary for graduate students.

4.   Using Case  #4, Justice,  from Dr. Warners case studies  as your reference, identify some (max of 3) of John’s possible behaviors and explain each behavior in terms of justice.  (Remember that you are not being asked for right and wrong answers hereyou are being asked to discuss the issues involved in each of the viewpoints.) 

5.   Describe the lesson taught by the “Calf Path” (page 27 in Dr. Warner text)  about human behavior.

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