The pyramid of security CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability)

Data and information are secure if the pyramid of security CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability) are satisfied. Discuss what each term means and provide an example to support your discussion.

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The CIA triad is a model for information security that is based on the three key principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Confidentiality means that information is only accessible to authorized individuals. For example, a company’s customer database should be confidential, and only authorized employees should be able to access it.

Integrity means that information is accurate and complete. For example, a financial database should be accurate and complete, so that the company can make informed business decisions.

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Availability means that information is accessible to authorized individuals when they need it. For example, a company’s website should be available to customers 24/7.

The CIA triad is important because it provides a framework for organizations to protect their information from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction.


  • Confidentiality: A company uses encryption to protect its customer database from unauthorized access.
  • Integrity: A company uses checksums to verify the integrity of its financial database.
  • Availability: A company uses a load balancer to distribute traffic across multiple servers, so that its website remains available even if one server fails.

It is important to note that the CIA triad is not mutually exclusive. For example, an organization may implement a security measure that improves confidentiality and availability, but reduces integrity. For example, an organization may encrypt its customer database, which improves confidentiality and availability, but makes it more difficult to audit the database for accuracy.

Organizations must carefully balance the three principles of the CIA triad to meet their specific security needs.

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