The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class. 2011.

The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class. 2011.

In order to expand your knowledge and develop your critical reading and writing skills, you are asked to review one of the books or two of the films from the following

list. You can select another book or set of films that deal explicitly with work and working conditions if you have it / them approved by your TA. If you chose to

review films, note that you must review at least two films (totalling over 120 min of viewing time) that deal explicitly with work and working conditions (again, you

MUST have them approved by your TA).

Identify what you are reviewing by providing full bibliographic information at the TOP of your review —  eg. author, title, place of publication, publisher, and date

— or name of the film(s), director, country, date and running length (in minutes).  At the end of the review you may need to provide a bibliography listing any other

sources that you used – eg. reviews by other authors.

Your review should focus on what the book or films tell us about the future of work.   What did you learn that you found to be relevant to this course? Does it merely

describe a problem, or does it point towards solutions? Be explicit.  Your review you should not only describe or summarize the contents of the book, it should offer

explicit insights about the future of work. And finally, evaluate the quality of the work. A review is written for a specific audience – someone who has not read the

book or seen the films but is interested in the subject matter – in this case, your TA.
Here are some tips or guidelines:

1. Don’t try to cover everything in the book or films.
2. After summarizing the contents, focus on what is relevant to this course. What lessons does it offer about the future of work? Organize the review around these

lessons or insights about work, rather than follow the table of contents.
3. Illustrate your review with short paraphrased passages (phrased in your own works while retaining the contextual meaning) or brief quotations from the work.
4.  Discuss the chief strengths or weaknesses. Maintain a critical balance (be fair-minded).


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