The Portfolio of Current Issues in Risk Management

The Portfolio of Current Issues in Risk Management

The portfolio will consist of 5 short reviews of articles (approximately 500 words each excluding references) that have been published in either the quality daily or Sunday newspapers (e.g. Times, Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, Herald, Scotsman, etc.), or in professional journals (e,g, Economist, Corporate Risk, Strategic Risk, Post Magazine, etc.), during the period in which the portfolio is being prepared.

In selecting items for inclusion in the portfolio, you should consider their relevance to the topic of Strategic and Operational Risk Management.  Each review should include a very brief summary of the chosen article, followed by a personal commentary which identifies the business risk issues and relates these to the topics studied in this module, e.g. issues of culture, power, organizational environment and change, risk assessment, control and/or business continuity planning, as appropriate.  You should note that the word count relates only to the content of the personal commentary sections.

The portfolio should be neatly presented and typed. It should include a front cover showing your name, matriculation number, the module title, title of the assessment and the word count.

A suggested template for each portfolio review is attached in Appendix 1.

Assessment Criteria    Weighting
Choice of Topic and Relevance to Module    10
Quality of Summary of Key Points    10
Quality of Personal Comment    70
Presentation    10


Managing Strategic and Operational Risk

Portfolio Review Template

Student’s name:  Please, enter your full name

Review No.:  Enter number 1 to 5, in order that you complete the reviews

Source of article: State the newspaper or journal title or website, which is the source of the material for your review; include the title of the article

Author’s name: State the author or authors’ names: the author may be unknown if an editorial piece

Date of publication: State the date of publication if newspaper or journal, or date on which the website was accessed, if actual publication date of the web-based article is not known

Brief summary of article: This should be brief (about 10 lines) yet cover the key, and most interesting facts of the chosen piece

Personal commentary: This is where you need to demonstrate your understanding of the issues involved and their relationship to the concepts and theories covered in the module.  The examiners will be looking for evidence that you can link theory and practice, contextualising contemporary risk management issues.  You should therefore ensure that you reference your comments not only to the main textbooks but also to other relevant sources reflecting your wider reading.


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