The Merchants of Cool documentary



The Merchants of Cool documentary

Type a two to three page essay (double-spaced, 10-12 size font, one-inch margins) in which you provide a focused response to material in the Merchants of Cool
documentary. Choose a specific theme, topic, or issue that stands out for you from the documentary, and evaluate its significance to understanding how “cool” appears
in the popular culture of teens. Back up your opinions with logical arguments. Show your reader how you arrived at your conclusions. In writing your response, you may
bring in your own life experiences and examples, but remember to show that your opinion is referring to the specific issues and examples in the video. You may choose
to focus your opinion on an issue related to what has changed since the time the documentary was made. This part of the assignment is asking you to do more than just
summarize the documentary. Make sure that in your essay you do the following: (1) focus on an issue, (2) write your opinion on that issue, and (3) back up your opinion
with a clear argument. When you are thinking about an issue for your focus, you can ask yourself, “What is an important problem in the video that could be seen
differently by different viewers?” When you locate a specific debatable issue that could be seen with different points of view, you can then go ahead and articulate
your own point of view and back up your opinion. As you write both parts, provide specific examples or illustrations from the reading and documentary to clarify your
points. Be sure to write in your own words. If you use some special words, phrases or sentences that are exactly the same as those found in the reading, put them in
quotation marks and provide a citation.

 For example, you may choose to write the following: Lasn writes, “Eat the instant you’re hungry and, as the Buddhist master
put it, ‘You will never find out what your hunger is for.’” (Lasn, 1999, p.11). Use the APA (American Psychological Association) format for your bibliography and
citations. Click the link down below and watch this documentary as a reference 2. The Merchants of Cool documentary film:


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