The Jim Crow Era
The Jim Crow Era
research paper must be at least 1800 words, not counting the outline and works cited pages. It may incorporate the information and sources already used in the first
three essays. You must use and cite a minimum of 10 sources to include at least the following: a. One printed source (not an Internet site) that addresses the topic
locally, (sources originally published in print and now archived and accessed online are acceptable for a. and b.) b. One printed source such as a journal or news
magazine article that addresses the heritage impact, need, or problem on a large scale, c. A personal interview you have conducted with a person knowledgeable of the
topic (this includes telephone and e-mail interviews), d. A source obtained through a library database, e. And any other sources necessary to clarify and illustrate
your points. 2. You must have an overarching thesis that ties the paper together, 3. You may incorporate your observations and original thoughts. However, you are not
considered a source and you do not cite yourself. 4. a formal paper, so use formal academic language in your research paper, including third person pronouns.