The Implications of weather on NFL performance

Follow the project checklist, please be able to understand linear regression results I have uploaded my results please be able to interpret and explain them.
please use these websites and find 1 more peer-reviewed website that describes The Implications of
weather on NFL scores:
Catherine B. Chan, Daniel A. Ryan Assessing the Effects of Weather Conditions on Physical Activity
Participation Using Objective Measure Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2009 Oct; 6
Curtis Craig, Overbeek Randy W. (2015) A relationship between temperature and aggression in NFL
football penalties
Ezzoli A, Cristofori E, Moncalero M, Giacometto F, Boscolo A (2013) Climatological Analysis, Weather
Forecast and Sport Performance: Which are the Connections? J Climatol Weather Forecasting 1: e105.
Doi: 10.4172/2332-2594.1000e105
Zipperman, Max A., “Quantifying the Impact of Temperature and Wind on NFL Passing and Rushing
Performance” (2014). CMC Senior Theses. Paper 830

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