The Food Safety Modernization Act 2011”

The Food Safety Modernization Act 2011”

Project description
You are a food animal veterinarian who has been asked to present a Continuing Education hour at a food animal veterinary conference. The topic you will be presenting

is The Food Safety Modernization Act 2011. As an adjunct to the information you are presenting orally you decide to create a one pager with information that the

attending practitioners can take with them after your presentation.
Your exam today is to develop that one pager. It may be in ANY format that you prefer. Some examples are a Factsheet or a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet, a

summary sheet, a flyer. You are not limited to these choices of format. The only requirement is that it must be a SINGLE page document. There is no word limit, margin

size restrictions or font size specification. Each of these choices is part of your assignment. As the assignment will likely fill the page you are asked to attach a

separate sheet at the back with all of your references.
Part of this examination requires that you think about what you consider to be important for food animal vets to be aware of, that you decide the focus, that you

present information to a veterinary audience in appropriate language.
Besides content you will also be assessed on presentation making your one pager not just full of useful information but also inviting to read is important.
A few words of caution:
The Food Safety Modernization Act can be confusing to understand. Working through the confusion is part of your exam. It would help to consider a wide array of

resources to help answer your queries. I am not being more specific as again this is part of your test!
Given the comments above I would highly recommend that you not leave this assignment to the last day.
Please make sure that you read the grading rubric.


Level of demonstration of understandingProfessional (10 points)Competent (8 points)Marginal (6 points)Unacceptable (0 points)
IntroductionTopic is excellently introduced. Reader clearly understands the importance and is very enthusiastic to read on.
Topic is well introduced. Reader understands the importance and is happy to read on.Topic is briefly introduced. Reader may have limited understanding of importance

and might read on. No introduction.
Discussion of factors leading to the problem or situation
Thorough, concise description of all factors contributing to the problem or situation. Description of major factors contributing to the problem or situation. Some

minor overlooked. Has included a few contributing factors to the problem or situation but fails to identify degree of accountability. No demonstration of an

understanding of even major contributing factors to the problem or situation.
Discussion of solutions, proposals for changeProvides a thorough, concise description and explanation of all aspects of new measures, interventions or

proposalsProvides a concise description and explanation of most aspects of new measures, interventions or proposalsProvides a brief description and explanation of some

aspects of new measures, interventions or proposals Recommendations not included in document.
Use of Terminology
Expertly balances lay and veterinary terminology throughout the document. Correctly balances lay and veterinary terminology throughout the majority of the

document.Correctly balances lay and veterinary terminology throughout some of the document. Language in document does not target reader.


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