The Fall and Sin: What We Have Become as Sinners



The Fall and Sin: What We Have Become as Sinners


Choose a book from the list of special texts above to enable you to pursue your particular interests in more depth. If you have another book in mind, you can let me know and I will review it for approval. Write a 1250-1400 word critical theological analysis of the chosen book. Please note that this is a formal academic paper. This paper is substantive and is an analysis of one or two key ideas contained in the text; it is not a personal reflection. It is not a book review. YOU MUST FOLLOW THE ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE AND GRADING RUBRICS; they set down the expectations for the assignment. All papers are to be typed, double-space with 12 size font. Preferred fonts are Times New Roman and Arial. The critical theological textual analysis is a formal paper, but it does not require footnotes. However, you should reference the page number in the body of your text. For example: (Brunner, 145) or just (145) if you are only referencing text you have read for the analysis. Book – The Fall and Sin: What We Have Become as Sinners, Shuster, M. . Eerdmans, 2003.


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