The DNP today a clash of culture, power, politics

Is the DNP today a clash of culture, power, politics or none of these? Let me expand on the idea here to decrease the confusion. You are here to earn a Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree. What are the controversies in the literature that exist about the DNP? One hint I will give you… The AACN is made up of mostly all PhDs who decided that education was not an acceptable DNP track. Is that based on any reputable evidence or is that job protection? Isn’t nursing a clinical specialty? If MDs can teach Medical School (a clinical degree teaching a clinical specialty) why do you have to have a PhD to teach Nursing? What are other controversies that surround the degree? Considering it is still fairly new, they aren’t that hard to find if you search. Look at AACNs position statement. Is the DNP equal to the PhD? Should it be considered for promotion and tenure in a University? As more people earn the degree and the credibility increases, where do you see it going?

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