The Development of an Australian Curriculum in Economics and Business

The Development of an Australian Curriculum in Economics and Business

Order Description

Assessment task outline
Before we can give consideration to designing assessment we first need to clarify what it is that we value as educators. This assignment is designed to clarify and perhaps encourage the deepening of values for curriculum work. You are to provide an exposition of key theoretical perspectives that influence your curriculum design, its enactment and its assessment and most of all – its purposes. You are to provide a reflective synthesis of 1200 words which reference your teaching journey including these contributions and how the theoretical materials being engaged with in your studies might have changed or enabled you to better articulate your position on some matters.
Your exposition should address the following four aspects:
a.    The aims and purposes for your curriculum work;
b.    The characteristics of society that you are aspire towards;
c.    The characteristics of educated persons that you are working towards; and
d.    The nature of an educative learning experience.
Aims and Purposes of your curriculum work    Coherent explanation of personal position demonstrating insight regarding theoretical and ideological influences with their potential value and limitations. Frequent references to readings.
Characteristics of an educated society    Coherent explanation of personal position demonstrating insight regarding theoretical and ideological influences with their potential value and limitations. Frequent references to readings.
Characteristics of an educated person    Coherent explanation of personal position demonstrating insight regarding theoretical and ideological influences with their potential value and limitations. Frequent references to readings.
Nature of educative learning experiences    Coherent explanation of personal position demonstrating insight regarding theoretical and ideological influences with their potential value and limitations. Frequent references to readings.
The paper must:
1.    Refer to Economic and Business curriculum in Australia:
2.    Include references and in-text references to All the readings as the attached for this order.
3.    It is also preferred to reference the prescribed textbook – Curriculum theory: conflicting visions and enduring concerns – Michael Schiro c2013 (ELECTRONIC COPY NOT PROVIDED, IT WILL GOOD IF YOU HAVE ACCESS AND REFER TO THIS RESOURCE)
Questions to consider

After reading chapter 9 by Gutek, Ewing’s chapter 2, and Schiro’s chapter 1, how do you feel about the potential value of studying ideologies in order to better understand curriculum and assessment? Might the study of ideologies be a bit ‘too theoretical’ and not really related to the ‘real world’ of teaching?  Does your own capacity to teach and assess become improved by engaging with such material and using technical terminologies (e.g. difference between aims, objectives and outcomes)?

What makes each subject discipline distinct from all other subject disciplines? Which knowledge disciplines are the most valuable for curriculum work? Why? What subjects do you think should comprise ‘core’ curriculum and what subjects ought to be offered as ‘extension’? What is your reasoning behind your choice? Who should determine which subject matter is represented in the curriculum?

Not all learning is educative.  Some is mis-educative and some can even be indoctrinatory.  Can you provide examples of indoctrination in the subjects that you teach – and these most certainly do not need to be religion, politics or morality.  How do you define ‘indoctrination’?  Might this happen accidently?  What does Dewey mean by ‘collateral learning’?  How important is this to you and your work as a teacher?  As teachers do we tend to teach about things or can we also teach our students to ‘care’ as Dewey and Peters argues?  Have your interests in curriculum been changed as a result of engaging with the readings?
Keywords to be used  throughout the paper

–    Public school ideology
–    Ideology ( Such as Scholar Academic Ideology, Social Efficiency Ideology, Learner Centered Ideology, Social Reconstruction Ideology, Public School Ideology).
–    Educative Learning Versus Mis-educative Learning
–    Theory
–    Pedagogy
–    Curriculum
–    Business and Economics
–    Assessment design
–    Aims
–    Purposes
–    educated society
–    educated person
–    learning experiences (educative versus mis-educative)

Individual presentation- What are the issues relevant to international education? You may refer to a specific sector in education such as school based, post-secondary, higher education or IB.
20 minute presentation and report 1000 word (2500 words or equivalent 50%)
HD 80-100
C 60-69
N -49
Defines international education
Presents an insightful working definition highlighting complex understanding
Presents a working definition highlighting understanding
Presents a definition of international education
A more developed definition of international education needed
Presents a working definition highlighting understanding- but still needs significant development
Demonstrates understanding of internationalisation, globalisation, cosmopolitanism, mobility – as key concepts relevant to international education
Excellent and insightful understanding of concepts highlighting complexity
Exploration of different concepts and demonstrates conceptual clarity
Demonstrates an understanding of key concepts
Demonstrates an understanding of concepts – but there are lapses in the understanding and the explanation may lack clarity
Exploration of different concepts but superficial and not developed
Identifies at least 3 issues relevant to international education
Identifies issues and critically argues the reasons for each issue
Identifies issues and argues reasons for each- needs more critical exploration
Identifies some of the issues and how these are linked to international education
Identifies issues and makes some links to the implications for international education
Identifies issues – but the exploration is very limited
Draws on the readings and materials to synthesise a supported point of view
Excellent understanding of different viewpoints and complex reading of texts and materials
Demonstrates understanding of different viewpoints and there is an emerging complexity in the reading of texts and materials
Different viewpoints are presented – but need more development and support from the given materials and readings
Shows evidence of reading of texts and materials and draws on these in their arguments. But may be reliant on a few readings only.
Still needs to demonstrate evidence of sustained reading and developing a considered argument
Draws on experience to illustrate their thinking
Excellent reflection on experience relevant to argument
Draws on personal experience is an way to support arguments – evidence of critical reflection
Refers to personal experience however the experience could be better integrated to the argument
Refers to personal experience but not entirely clear about its relevance to the argument.
Limited drawing on experience and/or not clear of its relevance
Presents and cohesive and well expressed assignment.
Well structured, expressed and presented and there is an element of creativity.
Well structured, expressed and presented.
Generally well structured, expressed and presented, with minor issues
Mostly well-structured and expressed but there are significant lapses in coherence.
Serious issues with structure, expression and presentation

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