The cloud in an IaaS service model

For this assignment’s scenario your management is considering deploying several VMs for the next project to the cloud in an IaaS service model to replace your current on-prem data center. They have asked you how hosting the workload in the cloud will change responsibility for security controls. Develop a PowerPoint presentation of no more than ten slides and provide guidance on who will be responsible (the cloud provider or your organization) for various security controls. Give specific examples using the VM you deployed in the previous module as a guide. Consider patching, intrusion response, software updates, network access, security monitoring, system redundancy, and physical security.

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Here’s the outline and content for the PowerPoint presentation, incorporating best practices:

Slide 1: Title Slide

Title: Understanding Security Responsibility in IaaS Cloud Deployments Image: Cloud computing graphic (e.g., cloud server icons) Speaker notes:

  • Introduce the topic of cloud security responsibility in IaaS.
  • State the purpose of the presentation: to clarify responsibilities between the cloud provider and your organization.

Slide 2: IaaS Overview

Title: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Model Image: IaaS layers diagram

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Bullet points:

  • Cloud provider manages physical infrastructure.
  • Organization manages virtual machines, OS, data, and applications. Speaker notes:
  • Explain the IaaS model’s structure and shared responsibilities.

Slide 3: Patching

Title: Patching Responsibilities Image: Patching process graphic Bullet points:

  • Cloud provider: Patches underlying infrastructure.
  • Organization: Patches guest OS and applications within VMs. Speaker notes:
  • Emphasize the need for timely patching within VMs to maintain security.
  • Provide examples of VM patching tools and best practices.

Slide 4: Intrusion Response

Title: Intrusion Response Responsibilities Image: Security alert symbol Bullet points:

  • Cloud provider: Monitors and alerts on infrastructure-level threats.
  • Organization: Investigates and responds to intrusions within VMs.
  • Collaboration is key for effective incident response. Speaker notes:
  • Discuss the importance of having clear incident response plans in place.
  • Highlight the benefits of shared visibility and threat intelligence.

Slide 5: Software Updates

Title: Software Updates Responsibilities Image: Software update icon Bullet points:

  • Organization: Responsible for updating all software within VMs.
  • Cloud provider: May offer tools or services to assist with updates. Speaker notes:
  • Stress the importance of regular software updates to address vulnerabilities.
  • Provide guidance on managing software updates in a cloud environment.

Slide 6: Network Access

Title: Network Access Controls Image: Firewall graphic Bullet points:

  • Cloud provider: Provides network infrastructure and firewalls.
  • Organization: Configures firewall rules for VMs and applications. Speaker notes:
  • Explain the shared responsibility for network security.
  • Discuss best practices for configuring firewall rules in the cloud.

Slide 7: Security Monitoring

Title: Security Monitoring Responsibilities Image: Security dashboard graphic Bullet points:

  • Cloud provider: Monitors physical infrastructure and hypervisor.
  • Organization: Deploys security tools within VMs for application and data monitoring. Speaker notes:
  • Highlight the need for comprehensive security monitoring in the cloud.
  • Discuss options for security tools and services tailored for cloud environments.

Slide 8: System Redundancy

Title: System Redundancy Responsibilities Image: High availability architecture diagram Bullet points:

  • Cloud provider: Ensures physical infrastructure redundancy.
  • Organization: Designs application architecture for redundancy within VMs. Speaker notes:
  • Explain the importance of redundancy for business continuity.
  • Provide guidance on designing fault-tolerant cloud architectures.

Slide 9: Physical Security

Title: Physical Security Responsibilities Image: Data center security image Bullet points:

  • Cloud provider: Handles physical security of data centers.
  • Organization: Manages access controls for VMs and data. Speaker notes:
  • Discuss the physical security measures implemented by cloud providers.
  • Emphasize the importance of strong access controls for cloud resources.

Slide 10: Conclusion

Title: Key Takeaways Image: Security checklist graphic Bullet points:

  • Understand shared security responsibilities in IaaS.
  • Implement appropriate security controls for VMs and data.
  • Collaborate with the cloud provider for comprehensive security. Speaker notes:
  • Summarize key points and recommendations.
  • Encourage questions and discussion.

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