The Apology to the Stolen Generations could be described as either a ‘foundational moment’ (Balint) of symbolic justice or the perpetuation of colonial violence (Giannacopoulos). Critically discuss.

The Apology to the Stolen Generations could be described as either a ‘foundational moment’ (Balint) of symbolic justice or the perpetuation of colonial violence (Giannacopoulos). Critically discuss.
Two readings are necessary for this essay
1. Balint, J. (2001) ‘Law’s constitutive possibilities: reconstruction and reconciliation in the wake of genocide and state crime’ in E. Christodoulidis & S. Veitch (eds.) Lethe’s Law: Justice, Law and Ethics in Reconciliation, Hart Publishing, Oxford: pp.132-136 [excerpts].

2. Giannocopoulos, M (2009) ‘The Nomos of Apologia’, Griffith Law Review, vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 331 – 349.

please also use these two sources to back up the ideas that come from two other sources (Balint and Giannocopoulus)
Alcoff, Linda (1992) ‘The Problem of Speaking for Others’ Cultural Critique vol. 20, Winter, pp. 5 – 32.

Zizek, S (2008) ‘Introduction’ and ‘Chapter One’ in Violence: Six Sideways Reflections, Picador, New York. pp 1 – 39.

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