The anatomy and physiology of the skin, sub fat, fascia, muscle, and other layers

Demonstrate surgeon-level knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the skin, subq fat, fascia, muscle, and other layers encountered in the incision under discussion
Display surgeon-level comprehension of the anatomical structure being operated on
Awareness of other related structures that may be involved in the procedure or may take insight and knowledge of the structure to avoid injuring it
Understand the vasculature related to the structure including the origin of the artery, any anastomoses involved, collateral blood supply
Described any nerves that become part of the procedure or effort may be needed in order to avoid injury to the structure
Define any widely used eponyms in the anatomy under discussion

Evaluator Name: Dan Bump Title: Program Director Date:

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
The Surgical Anatomy

Introduce the system(s) of anatomy associated with your chosen procedure. Type your paper into this template. Don’t change the headers and don’t type ‘Enter’ when the curser is still on the header line. For the body text, just write it over this text, replacing it with your own. This maintains the font, size, and line space of your body text. All instructions must be deleted before submitting your paper.
This paper must be 5 pages long, not including the evaluation page and bibliography page. Review the evaluation page in order to determine what the instructor will be looking for when grading your paper.
Anatomy of the Incision
Describe the incision you have selected for this procedure. Then proceed to describe the anatomy and physiology of each layer you encounter. For example, if you were to choose the Pfannenstiel incision, this section would look like this: This is an example, please answer pertaining to laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Skin: a description of the layers and the function of the skin
Subcutaneous Fat: ……………
Fascia (Anterior rectus sheath): ……………..
Rectus Muscle: ……………
Transversalis Fascia: ……………………
Parietal Peritoneum: ……………..
Surgical Anatomy
This section would include the anatomy and physiology of the structure under consideration. For example, if you chose to write about Total Abdominal Hysterectomy, this section would look like: THIS IS THE EAXMPLE FOR HYSTERECTOMY, PLEASE USE PROPER ANATOMY FOR LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY
Uterus: Describe the anatomy and physiology of the uterus including its sections, its layers, and its function.
Ovaries: …………
Fallopian Tubes: ………………
Infundibulopelvic Ligament: ……………….
Ovarian Ligament: …………….
Broad Ligament: …………..
Cardinal Ligament: …………..
Uterosacral Ligament: ………………
Vesicouterine Ligament: ……………..
Rectouterine Ligament: ……………
Ovarian Artery: ………….
Uterine Artery: ……………
Bladder: ……………..
Ureters: ………………
Add pictures to illustrate the anatomy (you should be able to download good diagrams and actual pictures).

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