The Administration of Correctional Programs for Juveniles
Select a “notorious” juvenile criminal case from the list below.
You are to thoroughly research your “notorious” juvenile criminal case and submit by the due date a FIVE FULL PAGES minimum or more research paper (this does not include the works cited page or a cover page). In your paper be sure to discuss the following:
Specific facts of the crime(s)
Background of the person(s) arrested (or suspected)
Information about the victim(s)
Disposition of the case (What court? Was there a trial? What was the outcome of the case?)
Motive/ Intent (if known)
What is it about this case that makes it a “notorious” juvenile criminal case?
How did you personally feel about this case? (This is the most important question to answer in great detail. Support your response.)
What can be done within Juvenile Justice System resulting in a better outcome of your case chosen or similar cases in the future? (Support your response).