Team work
Team work
Order Description
Use attached senario and articles as well for referencing and essay
References are to be both in text and end text referenced. The references are to be from a minimum of five journal articles. Websites and books for this section are not to be used. Being able to demonstrate that you are able to access and utilise information such as journal articles is an important part of the role of both the student nurse and the registered nurse.
The essay is to be written in the third person. There are to be no headings. The essay is to be submitted through Turnitin.
Assignment 2
Weighting 40%
Format Individual 1800 word essay demonstrating the development of a logical literary argument utilising referenced material from relevant journal articles.
Assignment Instructions
Describe and discuss the implications of effective/ineffective teamwork and effective/ineffective leadership processes on the functioning of a health care team and subsequently on the care of the patient. In your description and discussion you will incorporate your knowledge of theory as applied to teamwork and interprofessional practice including role clarification and effective leadership and their importance to client centered care.
It is important that in both your role as a student nurse and later as a Registered nurse you are an effective team member and leader. Through researching journal articles you will be able to discuss both the implications of effective and poor teamwork and leadership processes on the functioning of a health care team and subsequently on the care of the patient.
You will write an 1800 word analytical essay that is based on your analysis of the two health care videos provided, as well as some supported research from the literature. In your analysis and description you will incorporate your knowledge of theory as applied to teamwork and interprofessional practice including role clarification and effective leadership and their importance to client centered care.
References are to be both in text and end text referenced. The references are to be from a minimum of five journal articles. Websites and books for this section are not to be used. Being able to demonstrate that you are able to access and utilise information such as journal articles is an important part of the role of both the student nurse and the registered nurse.
The essay is to be written in the third person. There are to be no headings. The essay is to be submitted through Turnitin.
To assist you to research for your essay you may want to consider the following:
• Using your knowledge from the literature discuss what demonstrates good teamwork. Then use examples from the videos to support your argument?
Role clarification
• Using your knowledge from the literature, discuss if it is important for each member of the multidisciplinary team to understand and respect each other’s roles, skills and knowledge? Then use examples from the videos to support your argument?
Leadership characteristics
• Using your knowledge from the literature discuss what demonstrates good and poor leadership. Then use examples from the videos to support your argument?
Client centred care
• Discuss how do you think the client felt during each of the scenarios, is that part of the teams role to support the patient? Then use examples from the videos to support your argument? Explain how interactions with the patient could have been improved?
Remember there is no need to concern yourself with the disease or diagnosis of the client in the videos.
Scenario brief
Mr. Keane is a 78 year old man with a history of congestive heart failure who had been admitted to hospital with an episode of Acute Pulmonary Oedema (APO) for which he initially required Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP). The original problem has been resolved but he has developed hospital-acquired pneumonia as a result of a left lower lobe lung infection. He requires daily chest physiotherapy for this.
Around midday on day five of his hospital stay Mr Keane has got out of the shower and is attending his scheduled physiotherapy session. The effort required to shower has exhausted him.
Present in the room is an Enrolled Nurse who has the joint responsibility of looking after five other patients as well as Mr Keane, and the Physiotherapist.
During physiotherapy the patient’s anxiety levels begin to rise. His panic is due to increased breathlessness and a new onset of chest pain.
As Mr Keane’s distress increases the emergency button is pressed for assistance. This summons members of the Medical Emergency Team (MET), a multidisciplinary team with acute care expertise, to the ward. Medical, Nursing and Allied Health staff members are required to work together to restore Mr Keane to an optimum level of homeostasis before there is a rapid disintegration in his condition that would require more complex care in a specialised setting such as the Intensive Care Unit.
List of characters
• Anaesthetic Registrar
• Enrolled Nurse
• ICU Resident
• ICU Nurse
• Medical Registrar
• Patient
• Senario 1:
This is the first video scenario of Leadership and teamwork in Medical Emergency Teams.
Have a look at it considering the elements which are outlined above, Teamwork, leadership, interprofessional teams and client centered care.
You will use examples from this and Scenario two to support your discussion about effective teamwork and leadership. You will give eamples such as ” within Scenario 1 it was difficult to understand which health professional was which, in the literature Jones (2008) discusses that clear identification of team members and their roles to both the client and to other team members reduces stress and the chance of errors. You could see that by the Doctor not knowing what each member of the team could actually do.”
Senario 2:
• As I am sure you have now worked out one Scenario demonstrates the different good elements of effective teamwork and leadership and the other poor teamwork and leadership.
Through comparing how these scenarios are different it assists you to discuss different elements that are important in working in a teamwork environment. This information of what is important in effective teamwork and leadership is to be found in the 5 journal articles you will use to assist you to write your essay. Through using examples that you see in the scenarios (either good or bad evidence of teamwork and leadership) you can demonstrate that you can apply your knowledge from the literature to real life situations.
This will help you to recognise which are the important elements of teamwork and leadership that you will be part of the in the healthcare environment.
Text References
• ^ Crisp, J., & Taylor, C. (2012). Potter and Perry’s fundamentals of nursing (Eds.), (4th ed.). NSW, Australia: Elsevier.
Daly, J., Speedy, S., & Jackson, D. (2013). Contexts of Nursing, (4th ed.). Churchhill Livingstone: Australia
• Duckett, S., & Willcox, S. (2011). The Australian health care system. (4th ed.). Victoria, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Keleher, H., & MacDougall, C. (2012). Understanding Health. (3rd ed.). NSW, Australia: Elsevier.
• Andre, K., & Heartfield, M. (2011). Nursing and Midwifery Portfolios: evidence of continuing competence. (2nd ed.). NSW, Australia: Elsevier.
Website References
• Australian Government: Department of Health
• Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council
• Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
• Government of Western Australia: Department of Health
^ Mandatory reference