Teaching plan for Bauby’s family

Teaching plan for Bauby’s family

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Do the reading the memoir of The Diving bell and the butterfly by Bauby (1997) from Amazon. Here is the link https://www.amazon.com/Diving-Bell-Butterfly-Jean-
Copy and paste that link on Firefox search box, you will see the picture of the book (butterfly picture with yellow background) on top of the book picture you will see
look inside with arrow sign, click that look inside with arrow sign after that on the top of the left side you will see print book. You don’t need to print the book,
but you can read the whole book from there. 129 Pages to read. Let me know if you have any question. I am going to upload the reading from the textbook as well. Make
sure you do all the reading. I don’t want you to write this assignment without doing the reading that I uploaded. I also told the sale department to give the writer
the reading that I posted for order # 81966051 because I did uploaded the diving bell and the butterfly whole book for that order. Only do the reading the diving bell
and the butterfly and consider and teaching needs of Bauby’s family at some point in his story. Choose a a problem to center your teaching on at any time during the
story – not necessarily at the end (but this is ok if you feel like there is a significant nursing diagnosis and teaching need at the end). Use the teaching plan

Create a family teaching plan – create a goal, nursing diagnosis, learning objectives, content, teaching methods, and a method to evaluate learning. Please use the
attached teaching plan. You can type in that template. I will be uploading the two sample teaching plan for the writer to take a look and I will be uploading the
teaching template as well. If the writer don’t know how to write a nursing teaching plan, I suggest the writer to look at online. Nursing teaching plan must start with
Deficient knowledge in the cognitive domain regrading teaching needs of Bauby’s family also you need to include as evidenced by their saying or their action. Your As
evidenced by must support Bauby’s family teaching need.



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