Synthesis Activities

Synthesis Activities

Choose from activitiy #1 or #3 to write the essay about.

Synthesis Activities
“an electric vehicle future” can become a reality. “For it is such policies,” he
development Eliliii.-Hit‘: Zélilifiiléiiiliifif Z1;3§ic”E’§f Zflflii§iibfii’iZ?;ll‘ia§§3il3’lii£i
depend.” imagine you are a lawmaker. What laws and regulations would you rec-
venty-first ornmend to help ensure a transition to electric cars? Consider timelines, improved
ration of battery technology, power sources, safety tests, and fuel stations: create a realistic.
broad-based plan.
ectric vehicle 5. White afrgues, “’l/losft1carhbuyer5 won’t accept ‘beta’ [developmental] technol-
ogy in t e vehic est att ey and their families depend on every day.” Would
h you be hesitant to buy a first-generation Chevy Volt or any other plug-in
N’ do t 8 hybrid vehicle if there were no guarantee of its reliability?
6. White cites “mobility and freedom” as one reason that the internal combus-
tion engine will persist for the foreseeable future. To what extent are such
C9 of eleclnc values sufficiently important that you would hesitate to purchase or refuse to
consider purchasing an all-electric vehicle?
-hls article‘ 7. Locate a specific principle or definition that White uses in this selection. For
ad consumer example, he asserts in 1] 5 that cars “are both highly complex machines and
the enablers of a way of life that for many is synonymous with freedom and
a opportunity.” Write an analysis in which you apply this or another principle
lomoblle? or definition by White to a particular situation of which you have personal
3WbaCk5′ M ;-_ knowledge or about which you have read. See the guidelines and model
i analyses in Chapter 6 for ideas on how to proceed.
f 8. Toward the end of this article, White suggests that “the most effective ways
“Ii to use less energy may have less to do with changing technology than with
I :5 changing habits.” To what extent do you agree with this conclusion? in what
ug-in hybrid 3. particular ways might changing our habits affect the way we live and work?
{}’ou dont
ginto account 1
Vould anyone
ib: gailslfalfanlslfw I. Write an explanatory synthesis, as if it were a cover story for a weekly
technology newsmagazine, in which you ( I) lay out the essential drawbacks of this coun-
S are .3; tys continuing dependence upon oil and (2) discuss the range of alternative,
‘at Way if _’.j-I renewable energy sources available now or in the near future. Your synthesis will
therefore roughly follow the organization of the “Green Power” chapter itself.
in order to Begin by drawing on sources like Socolow and Pacala and the independent
ly electric Task Force to indicate the nature and scope of the problem posed by this coun-
aveloprnent of tr)/S over-reliance on the burning of fossil fuels. Describe some of the proposals
ing improved for dealing with the problem. in the second half of your synthesis, summarize
vehicles (3 – some of the particular forms of renewable energy-nuclear, wind, and solar
power, as well as the prospect of electric-powered vehicles. drawing upon the
2, authors represented in the second half of this chapter.


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