Syllabus Design

Syllabus Design

Assignment #2: unit of work (70%)

Imagine you have to design and develop a language course for an ESL/EFL or LOTE program. You have no textbooks to draw on, so you have to develop materials and

activities for the language program from scratch. Your challenge is to present the unit of work in such a way that any teacher could independently implement it as you

had intended.
Design a unit of work which represents approximately 2 hours of your curriculum. This 2 hours will likely be broken down into smaller instructional blocks (e.g., 4 × ½

Note that, in this assignment, the focus is on issues related to syllabus design and materials development, rather than on teaching methodology per se.
The unit of work consists of three parts. Please provide a separate word-count for each part.

(1)    Course specification (10%)

Write 500 words (+/- 10%)) for this section. No sources need to be used. Do not overuse point form.

(2) lesson plans and materials (30%)

Write 1500 words (+/- 10%)) for this section.
The word count for this section covers all of the text in the lesson plans and materials, regardless of where this text is located. For example, you must include in

the word count the content of any tables (used for lesson plans, for instance), or any text embedded in images. State the word count for this section somewhere

conspicuous within the assignment.
If any of your lessons focus on either listening or reading skills, you may include transcripts for these lessons as an appendix to your assignment. However, please

keep this appendix under 1000 words (no 10% leeway). (There’s no need to state the word count.)

(3) essay (30%)

Write 1500 words (+/- 10%)) for this section.
Write an essay to provide a rationale for the course specification, and for the lesson plans and materials. This rationale must be informed by your understanding of

the content of LIN5003. As it is an essay, sources will need to be used for this section.
You will need to address the following sorts of issues:
? Why these particular expected learning outcomes
? Why these particular lesson plans and materials, and why sequenced in this particular way
? Why this particular approach to evaluation
The marking rubric for Assignment #2 can be downloaded from the ‘Assignment #2’ area of the Study Desk. You do not need to include this marking rubric with your

assignment submission.
On pp. 3-5, we made some comments which elaborate on the criteria in the postings rubric. Where relevant, these comments apply to the rubric for the unit of work as

well (with some straightforward adaptation), especially the essay.

Here are some additional comments about how to approach this part of this assignment:

(i) You don’t need to give the essay a title.

(ii) Do not use anecdotal evidence.

(iii) No background is necessary in the introduction. This part should be quiet brief. The thesis statement should simply state the aim of the essay. (It is possible

to combine this with a preview of the body.)

(iv) In the body, each paragraph must be coherent (i.e., the ideas in the paragraph are well-organised) and cohesive (i.e., the ideas in the paragraph are glued

together effectively). It must state and then develop a single controlling idea. It must begin with a clear topic sentence which (a) relates directly to the thesis

statement, (b) shows how the paragraph fits into the overall essay structure, and (c) states the controlling idea of the paragraph (e.g., The first issue discussed

here is …).

(v) The conclusion should not be a short ‘tour’ of the body (e.g., First, I summarised …. Then I evaluated … After that, I examined … ). Instead, the conclusion should

be integrative. What are the main points? How do they fit together? (Although it is customary to include a closing comment (e.g., a recommendation for future research,

or an evaluation of the importance of the issue at hand) in this section of an essay, you do not need to do this in this case.)

(vi) You may use sub-headings if desired; however, please do not use more than four of these in the whole essay (excluding the subheading ‘References’ at the start of

the reference list).

(vii) If you wish to include notes in your essay, please include them as footnotes rather than endnotes. The total word count for the footnotes must not exceed 100

words (no 10% leeway).

(viii) The word count covers the essay text only (including in-text citations, quotes, subheadings, footnotes, and title). It does not include the reference list.

A template for assignment #2 is attached. Please use this template. Insert your response into the docx in a different style (e.g., bold or italics) or font from the

question text. Ensure that the marker can distinguish easily between the question text and your response text.

LIN5003: assignment #1: discussion-forum postings: marking rubric
content    (a) quality, quantity and relevance of ideas
[7.5 marks]    7.5 – 7.0
• postings demonstrate an excellent understanding of the course content
• postings stay on-topic
• at least four of the postings are interactive
6.5 – 5.5
• postings demonstrate a good understanding of the course content
• postings stay on-topic most of the time
• three of the postings are interactive
• word count is outside the stipulated range (or no count is provided) for one of the postings
5.0 – 4.0
• postings demonstrate an adequate understanding of the course content
• postings stay on-topic some of the time
• two of the postings are interactive
• word count is outside the stipulated range (or no count is provided) for two or three of the postings    3.5 – 0.5
• postings demonstrate an inadequate understanding of the course content
• postings are rarely on-topic
• one of the postings is interactive
• word count is outside the stipulated range (or no count is provided) for four or five of the postings    0.0
• no understanding of the course content is discernible
• postings are entirely off-topic
• none of the postings is interactive
• word count is outside the stipulated range (or no count is provided) for all of the postings
(b) use of evidence to support ideas
[7.5 marks]    7.5 – 7.0
• at least eight appropriate sources are used overall
• evidence from sources is used highly effectively
• evidence from own experience (if used) is used highly effectively
• quotes (if used) are used highly effectively     6.5 – 5.5
• six to seven appropriate sources are used overall
• evidence from sources is used very effectively
• evidence from own experience (if used) is used very effectively
• quotes (if used) are used very effectively     5.0 – 4.0
• four to five appropriate sources are used overall
• evidence from sources is used somewhat effectively
• evidence from own experience (if used) is used somewhat effectively
• quotes (if used) are used somewhat effectively     3.5 – 0.5
• one to three appropriate sources are used overall
• evidence from sources is used ineffectively
• evidence from own experience (if used) is used ineffectively
• quotes (if used) are used ineffectively     0.0
• no appropriate sources are used

form    (c) organisation and integration of ideas
[6 marks]    6.0
• postings are structured highly effectively     5.5 – 4.5
• postings are structured very effectively     4.0 – 3.0
• postings are structured somewhat effectively     2.5 – 0.5
• postings are structured ineffectively     0.0
• none of the postings has a clearly discernible structure     /6
(d) referencing
[3 marks]    3.0
• referencing conforms to APA guidelines in the reference list
• referencing conforms to APA guidelines in the in-text citations    2.5
• referencing conforms to APA guidelines in the reference list most of the time
• referencing conforms to APA guidelines in the in-text citations most of the time    2.0
• referencing conforms to APA guidelines in the reference list some of the time
• referencing conforms to APA guidelines in the in-text citations some of the time    1.5 – 0.5
• referencing rarely conforms to APA guidelines in the reference list
• referencing rarely conforms to APA guidelines in the in-text citations     0.0
• no use of referencing in the reference list or in the in-text citations     /3
(e) mechanics
[6 marks]    6.0
• (almost) no problems with register, expression, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, presentation, formatting etc.      5.5 – 4.5
• some problems with register, expression, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, presentation, formatting etc.    4.0 – 3.0
• several problems with register, expression, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, presentation, formatting etc.    2.5 – 0.5
• numerous problems with register, expression, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, presentation, formatting etc.    0.0
• problems with register, expression, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, presentation, formatting etc. throughout the text    /6
TOTAL    /30
[see next page]





Order Description

For this assignment,  draw upon your readings and experiences to develop your own leader philosophy. Use the following three elements as your guide.

•From your understanding of leadership theory, integrated with your personal experiences, identify and discuss 5 key leadership principles that will guide your leader

behaviour in the future.
•From this integration of theory and experience, illustrate the relationships between each of your guiding principles and the relevant behavioural science theories

covered in the course.
•For each principle, explain WHY you chose this as one of your guiding principles (i.e., personal experience, observation of a role model, follow the leader figure,

readings, etc.) and how it is consistent with the theories selected


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