Sustainable Procurement for Hospitality and Tourism
For over 20 years a well-known local pub has operated in Fitzroy– with no mission other than to make a profit, have good customer service and keep the locals happy.
Mr and Mrs Smith have recently purchased this business, and are looking to transform the pub to suit their ethics and values. They want to make the pub as sustainable and ethically operated as possible, but are hoping to encourage the regular customers to stay by keeping the service casual and the menu like other local pubs.
The new owners have over 20 years work experience between them, however have never bought an established business before, and they need assistance from a Sustainable Procurement Consultant to ensure that the decisions they make are in line with their vision of developing a sustainable organisation. As the new business owners do not have experience with sustainable business practices, they would like the report to also provide introductions and explanations of the key terminology of sustainable procurement management.
The Smith’s have a particular interest and many years’ experience in serving beef, as their previous restaurant was a well-known Sydney steakhouse. The Consultant should offer insight into beef supply in Victoria in addition to the general recommendations.
You, as the Sustainable Procurement Consultant, have been asked to put together a comprehensive report that provides context and definitions for the new owners to learn from, and to provide solid business recommendations based on their specialty (beef) as well as recommended sustainable business practices.