this case assignment, consider some key strategies recently implemented by Dish in its effort to succeed and compete in its current competitive environment. Discuss the strategic direction of the company and whether you believe the organization to be on the right track. Make recommendations that you believe would help Dish to gain market share (that is, hypothetically formulate what you think would be useful strategies for Dish to consider). Also comment regarding whether you believe Dish operates in a socially responsible manner and whether their CSR record helps or hinders their success.
Useful references, you may not be able to access them, if not, use any other credible references you can find.
Subba, R. (2009). Strategic Management [Including Skill Development]. Himalaya Publishing House. Retrieved as e-book from Trident University’s online library. Pp. 77 – 118.
Please open the Trident University IBIS World document and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the “Click Here” hyperlink at the bottom of the page. This will take you to IBIS World, an organization well known for conducting industry level research. Run a search on “Cable” in the search window. You will then see a list of links that will lead you to detailed industry specific report. Please click on Cable Providers in the U.S.
Also take some time to look at what’s going on in related industries.
Here are some additional background readings on strategic planning and strategy formulation.
Collins, M. K., & Winrow, B. (2010). Porter’s generic strategies as applied toward e-tailers post-leegin. The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 19(4), 306-311. doi:
Ormanidhi, O., & Stringa, O. (2008). Porter’s model of generic competitive strategies. Business Economics, 43(3), 55-64. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Collins, J. M. (2013). Strategic planning. Printing Industries of America, the Magazine, 5(2), 4-6. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Chaneta, I. (2014). STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING. International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 4(2), 71-78. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Kukreja, D. (2013). STRATEGIC PLANNING: A ROADMAP TO SUCCESS. Ivey Business Journal Online, , 1. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Murray, J. (2013). Strategic planning missing its mark. Bottom Line, 29(14), 13-13,17. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Salvador, V. L. (2005). Competitive advantage and strategy formulation: The key role of dynamic capabilities. Management Decision, 43(5), 661-669. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
You may also refer to the readings in Module 1 that provide background on the competitive environment faced by Comcast.