SPSS Analysis Report

SPSS Analysis Report

Assignment 2 – Market Research Report for A&F Clothing

Using a data set provided, students will conduct appropriate statistical data analysis in order to answer a market research problem. Their results and findings will be presented in a formal market research report with appropriate sub-headings which will be outlined during the lectures. To support their findings, students must use graphs and tables which are most appropriate to the information they are presenting.

The maximum word count for the assignment is 3,500.

Case Study – Real animal fur Clothing Survey (Abercrombie & Fitch)
The clothing brand Abercrombie & Fitch is planning to introduce animal fur items of clothing to their product range instead of faux fur. Specifically they are planning to make their famous A&F jackets from a range of animal furs. There are some companies that are already producing clothing using real fur. However, it is still a fairly controversial concept.

Important Note: This is a fictitious case and you should not contact the company to get information regarding this coursework.

The marketing manager of Abercrombie & Fitch wants to get an insight into the general concern of consumers as well as their attitudes and behaviour towards fur based clothing. The primary purpose of the online survey was to ascertain which clothing brands customers buy, what customers take into account when choosing branded clothing, their general concern based on fur, their emotions evoked when wearing clothing made from fur, and their behavioural intention. In July 2015, a questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of 1,000 consumers from on an online panel. To increase the return rate, a small prize draw of Amazon vouchers was used. The SPSS data set which is named ‘MN-3012 Marketing Research AandF n=321.sav’ can be found on Blackboard.

(i) executive summary,
(ii) research questions,
(iii) research methodology,
(iv) data analysis, and
(v) conclusions & recommendations.

The data analysis section of your research report should provide the following information:
1. Provide a short demographic profile of the respondents.
• Age
• Gender
• Education

2. Provide the key findings for the survey, e.g. Q1, 2, 4, 5, 6 using descriptive statistics only (e.g. frequencies, means).

3. Analyse whether demographics (e.g. gender, qualification etc.) have any significant effects on the favourite clothing brand (Q1). (Note: type of analyses will depend on the level of measurement of the variables)

4. Carry out three factor analyses separately for the following variables: emotions (all items of Q7),
beliefs (all items of Q8) and
behavioural intention (all items of Q9).
Interpret and name the new factors and test the reliability for each new factor. Report the results for these. Compute a new variable for each factor using the mean (e.g. means calculated for the new factors) for further analysis.
5. Analyse whether demographics (e.g. gender, age, etc.) have any significant effects on behavioural intention (the new factor calculated from all items of Q9). (Note: type of analyses will depend on the level of measurement of the variables)
6. Is there a possibility to predict behavioural intention on the basis of animal concern (use overall variable called ‘animal concern’), emotions and beliefs (use the newly computed variables for this purpose)?
If yes, how good is the prediction?
What is a better predictor of behavioural intention – emotions or beliefs?

To support your findings, you must use graphs and tables, which are most appropriate to the information you are presenting.

Summarise the key results from the analysis and give recommendations to the marketing manager of Abercrombie and Fitch on how to promote the new fur jackets, and who to target on the basis of the results of this survey.

Individual assignment requirements:
Your assignment will be based on your knowledge of the MN-3012 course, including lectures, practical session and the recommended texts.

You are asked to:
• Choose appropriate data analysis techniques, justify your choice and interpret the results
• Provide results and interpret findings (use appropriate tables and graphs in your report to illustrate the results clearly)
• Structure them in a brief marketing research report form which should look professional.

Your assignment is a research report and as such its contents should mirror those found in commercial marketing research reports (refer to lecture slides on research report writing).

The specific section headings will be
(i) executive summary,
(ii) research questions,
(iii) research methodology,
(iv) data analysis, and
(v) conclusions & recommendations.

A table of contents and appendices with the SPSS outputs used are required.

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