Sports and International Organizations
Sports and International Organizations
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Summarize the movie entitled, Chasing Mavericks. Be sure to use the attached document to reflect how the major themes in the movie connect to the themes of the attached document. It must be written in third person and cite and reference all sources in APA or MLA format (to cite please refer to the title of the article. Also, please don’t forget to cite the movie. Please do not spend long sentences stating: this paper will discuss…etc. or this section will discuss…etc. . Thank you.
Khaled Al-Rubaian
Dr. Roman Kulchitsky
IR 389
Coaching Life Skills through Football: A Study of Award
Winning High School Coaches
Gould, Daniel, et al. “Coaching life skills through football: A study of award winning high school coaches.” Journal of applied sport psychology 19.1 (2007): 16-37.
Many of the world’s greatest coaches are not only committed to teaching their players how to excel in the athletic venue, but in life as well. It is ironic, then, that the scientific community has not studied the life-skill-building strategies used by outstanding coaches more actively.
While the specific strategies coaches use to develop life skills have not been extensively studied, youth development researchers have begun to examine how developmental outcomes are fostered through participation in extracurricular activities such as sports.
Coach’s influence
In a slightly different line of research, youth identifying natural mentors such as relatives, coaches, counselors, and teachers felt that those mentors played pivotal roles in their development.
It is important to note the above assertion does not suggest that sport science researchers have failed to examine the influence of coaches’ actions on young people’s development at all.
In fact, several lines of research have commenced that provide a foundation for future research in this area. These areas of research include: (a) how coaches’ relationship skills relate to the psychosocial development of young athletes; (b) the organization and development of coaching knowledge and expertise; and (c) how coaches teach mental skills to young athletes.
Qualitative interviews
Qualitative interviews are beneficial for exploring relatively unexamined topics, identifying patterns and themes from the perspective of participants, and for developing an analytic schema of a phenomenon (Creswell, 2003). By interviewing the coaches, we hoped to record their experiences to identify the strategies and processes that they felt enabled them to develop life skills through coaching.
• Participants-
• 10 coach’s (nine being Caucasian and one Asian American)
• average age 54
• Average of 30.8 years experience
• 10 coach’s were football coach’s at that time
• 3 of 10 were coaching other sports.
• 10 coaches were certified teachers and had at least bachelor degrees.( 7 had masters .
• 9 had formal training, while 9 had degrees in sport science, PE, recreation.
Coach’s records
Overall, the coaches participating in the study had impressive win/loss records. The coaches had a combined total record of 1,447 wins, 427 losses, and 15 ties (one coach did not provide his record). These numbers accounted for an overall average winning percentage of 76.6%.
2000 “Coach of the Year Program.” Applicants for this award are coaches nominated by NFL players who feel that the specific coach had a major influence on their Life development.
• Contacted by NFL
• 5 were selected
• 60 to 120 interviews conducted and tape recorded
• Application were filled by coaches and 15 minutes coaching survey
• Complete confidentiality for positive and negative remarks.
1. Coaches surveys
2. In-depth interviews
3. Data research- qualitative research
Step 1: Coach Profiles and Individual Coach Theme Identification
All interviews were tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. After each investigator thoroughly read each transcript, an individual case profile was created for each coach and discussed extensively. This step in the data analysis not only aided in the development of a holistic view of the coach, but was a critical step in establishing trustworthiness in the analysis process.
Step 2: Identification of Patterns Across Coaches
A key goal of the data analysis was to identify and describe patterns within and across participants in an effort to enhance the “meaning” and understanding of the phenomena.
When asked during the interview for specific strategies to implement life skills, there were 211 raw data responses. These responses coalesced into 66 raw data categories converging into 18 lower-order themes and four higher-order themes. Finally, content analysis revealed two general dimensions relative to strategies for implementing life skills. Table 1 depicts the two general dimensions, and both higher- and lower-order themes.
Effective Coaching Strategies
Working with Players
The first of these two dimensions, effective coaching strategies, consisted of two higher order themes, working with players and dealing with others. Working with players was further divided into relations, standards/accountability, and other.
Dealing with others
Dealing with officials
Effectively using assistant coach’s
Dealing with parents.
Player Development Strategies
? Performance Enhancement Strategies:-
? 1. Motivation 2.set and achieve goals 3. Team building.
Teaching Life Skills:
1. Academic enhancement
2. Life skills development transfer
3. Teaching positive skills and values.
Future directions
This study examined strategies outstanding high school football coaches used to develop life skills in their players. While the sample was specific to football players and coaches, the key strategies may be generalized, with caution, to general situations in coaching, particularly those sports similar in context to football.
Given the current emphasis on developing life skills in youth sports and recent findings that show that inexperienced coaches say they develop values and life skills but cannot explain the strategies they use for doing so, studying coaches like those interviewed in this study adds to the emerging base on life-skills and personal .
It also provides valuable context information that can help intervention developers to design realistic programs grounded in the practical realities of youth sports development coaching strategies.