space availability in UC Davis UWP classes
space availability in UC Davis UWP classes
Subject: Collaborative Research Project Assignment Prompt
Assignment Overview
For the collaborative research project assignment, you and two of your classmates will define a problem on campus or in the Davis community that needs to be addressed. To address this problem, you will conduct primary and secondary research and write a recommendation report in which you describe and interpret your findings, draw conclusions from your analysis of findings, and make recommendations. You will tailor your report to meet the information needs of a specific decision maker, and your goal in writing this report is to try to persuade that decision maker—your target reader—to accept your conclusions and act on your recommendations.
Research Requirements
For the formal report, you must conduct at least one interview with an appropriate individual and use at least one other method of primary research, such as observation or document analysis. You must also draw on at least four secondary sources (others’ published work). At least two of your secondary sources must not be published on the Web (see Web vs. Print Resources on page three of this prompt). Not meeting these research requirements will result in a lower final-report grade.
Forms of secondary research might include
• Web and media sources
• Government documents and reference materials
• Other documents (maps, pamphlets, special dictionaries)
• Business documents (annual reports, brochures, etc.)
• Professional publications and peer-reviewed journals (e.g., Consumer Reports, Psychology Today, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, American Behavior Scientist)
Report Content
Your report will include most of the essential components of a formal report, as outlined in the formal reports entry in The Business Writer’s Handbook. A report is “formal” because it has parts that follow specific forms. Thus, your report will likely contain the following parts:
1. Cover Memo or Letter—If you are addressing your report to an external audience, write a letter. If you are addressing your report to an internal audience, write a memo.
2. Title Page
3. Table of Contents
4. Executive Summary
5. Introduction (the following components are typically addressed)
a. Definition of Problem
b. Helpful Background Information
c. Report Purpose and Significance
d. Overview of Objectives and Methods of Inquiry (briefly address the “what” and “how” of your research)
e. Benefits (briefly highlight how the report benefits the target audience)
f. Limitations of Research Conducted (if any)
g. Report Scope (what it covers and what it does not)
h. Organization (how the report is organized)
6. Text (main body of report)
a. Describe and justify your research methods and any evaluative criteria that you used to reach your ultimate conclusions. Clarify precisely what you were looking for in your research and why.
b. You might find the following organization strategy helpful:
First Research Objective
1. Describe your objective
2. Describe how you researched this objective
3. List and interpret your findings (what did you find out and what does it mean?)
Second Research Objective
1. Describe your objective
2. Describe how you researched this objective
3. List and interpret your findings (what did you find out and what
does it mean?)
Third Research Objective (and so on)
7. Conclusions
a. Summary of Findings
b. Overall Interpretation of Findings—What do they mean?
8. Recommendations
9. Works Cited or References
10. Appendices (if any)
NOTE: You need to include at least two visuals in the body of your report: tables, charts, graphs, and conceptual graphics work well to usefully display data and aid in readability and comprehension. These visuals must be original and created by you. Visuals that are downloaded or copied from another source will not be acceptable in the report body.
Web Resources
Web resources are those that are published solely on websites. They include professional websites, personal websites, blogs, wikis, and others. These resources need to be carefully evaluated because not all of them are credible. They are not peer reviewed and they often contain opinions not based on extensive research. Even some online newspapers and magazines are questionable, as some do not have official editorial boards that review content for accuracy.
Your report will be as long as it needs to be to thoroughly and convincingly address each major report component. Remember, your audience and purpose in writing the report should determine whether or not your report has effectively accomplished its goal—to successfully convince your audience that your conclusions are logical and your recommendations will most effectively address or solve the problem as you have defined it.
What you should do:
For our group, we are writing on the availability of University Writing Program classes at University of California, Davis (UC Davis). Many of the students have difficulties getting into UWP classes which are fill up very quickly and required for graduation of many UC Davis students. Also, for my part, I need to write about the (part 6 Text: main body of report).You can find two resources from Web. (The one I found is here, you can use it if you want )
I also attached the interview questions, survey questions, and sample of report from other topic.