Song of songs

After reading the Song of Songs, answer each of the following question prompts. You are permitted to use the textbook, outside scholarly sources, and the Bible in your responses.
• Explain your understanding of the Song of Songs in regard to whether the text should be read literally/historically or allegorically. How is your approach impacted by your hermeneutic?
• In what manner is the message of the Song influenced by the interpretive approach that you take to the text? To what degree does the history of Solomon’s polygamy influence (or frustrate) your interpretation of the Song? Be specific in how you respond to this question.
• If you interpret the Song in any fashion outside of a primarily “allegorical” approach, what specific approach do you take to the dramatic sequencing and characterization of the Song? Do you see it as a dramatic sequence between two lovers extended over time, or is this a celebration Song depicting only the events occurring around the wedding night? If you see the Song as a dramatic sequence extending over time, does the Song depict two main characters (Solomon and his beloved), or three main characters (the woman, her shepherd lover, and Solomon who comes to take her away into his harem). Or is there another approach? In responding to this question, be sure to provide supporting argument and rationale, including direct support from the interpretation of the literary structure and content of the Song.

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